WoW mods of the day – DeathAlert v0.4, RonSoft HUD v3.3, and SheepSafe v2.5.2

World of Warcraft

It’s that time of the day again, where we, here from deep halls of QJ, dug deep inside our long been unlit dungeons to equip you, raiders of Azeroth, with every bit of advantage in your quest to be the supreme World of Warcraft‘er. Regardless if you’re a pet-loving Hunter, a traveling Druid, a staff wielding Mage, or any of the characters in the World of Warcraft that you play, you’re bound to find use with the cast of WoW mods we dish out from time to time, like the ones we have in this post.

For today, we have three featured mods specifically crafted to enhance both your skills and gaming satisfaction (one can’t live without the other). Here they are:

DeathAlert v.05: In all battles, there’s always confusion (which we today somehow coined into “friendly fire”). Usually our guildmates tend to get lost in figuring out which target you were tanking before you die. This mod might making things a bit easier by announcing to your raid or party what mob and icon (if available) you were tanking before you got p’wnd.

-Simple and sweet on/off switch.
-Customizable raid message using patterns.
-Will let the raid know what mob name you were tanking, and raid icon if available.
-It will only announce to the raid or party if you were in defensive stance when you died.

Download: [DeathAlert v.05]

The other two featured mods await after the jump!

World of Warcraft

It’s that time of the day again, where we, here from deep halls of QJ, dug deep inside our long been unlit dungeons to equip you, raiders of Azeroth, with every bit of advantage in your quest to be the supreme World of Warcraft‘er. Regardless if you’re a pet-loving Hunter, a traveling Druid, a staff wielding Mage, or any of the characters in the World of Warcraft that you play, you’re bound to find use with the cast of WoW mods we dish out from time to time, like the ones we have in this post.

For today, we have three featured mods specifically crafted to enhance both your skills and gaming satisfaction (one can’t live without the other). Here they are:

DeathAlert v.05: In all battles, there’s always confusion (which we today somehow coined into “friendly fire”). Usually our guildmates tend to get lost in figuring out which target you were tanking before you die. This mod might making things a bit easier by announcing to your raid or party what mob and icon (if available) you were tanking before you got p’wnd.

-Simple and sweet on/off switch.
-Customizable raid message using patterns.
-Will let the raid know what mob name you were tanking, and raid icon if available.
-It will only announce to the raid or party if you were in defensive stance when you died.

/da [alert | pattern | iconpattern]
– alert: Turns on/off raid alerts.
– pattern: Sets the pattern to be used for alerts.
– iconpattern: Sets the icon pattern to be used if there is a raid icon set.

These are the how the alerts are going to look. These use variables to represent things such as the mob name, and the player name.

Variables used for the main pattern:
%p – Players name
%n – Mobs name
%r – Raid Icon pattern information (if a raid icon is available)
Variables used for the raid icon information:
%c – Color of the raid icon
%i – The icon’s shape

An example of the pattern and raid icon used:
Main pattern: ‘%p is dead, ** %n%r ** is loose!’
Icon pattern: ‘ (%c %i)’
Will output something like this ‘Odlaw is dead, ** Murloc (Red X) ** is loose!’
and if no raid icon is present: ‘Odlaw is dead, ** Murloc ** is loose!’

Download: [DeathAlert v.05]

RonSoft HUD v3.3: An addon the creator redesigned from the original ‘Nurfed Hud’; it’s now made to be far more intelligent. Here’s how it works: “When you go into combat, it’ll light up fully, and when you leave combat, it’ll dim out. When your health or mana is back to full, that bar will disappear completely out of your way.” There are more features which you could get to know more about once you have it downloaded and installed.


  • Added a variant to the EVISCERATE NOW notification for druids, which says [obviously] FEROCIOUS BITE
  • Changed the way that the EXECUTE / EVISCERATE / FEROCIOUS BITE notification works, so that it will show up in RED letters when ready, but you are too low on mana / rage / energy, but turn green when you have enough.
  • Changed the way that the combo points display for druids’ cat-form and rogues, so that they are color coded to further enhance the whole idea behind this HUD that it’s to make the player know everything they need to know about the fight WITHOUT having to look away from the middle of the screen. Now, 1 [combo point] is colored red, 2 is orange, 3 & 4 are yellow, and 5 is green ‘for go.’

Download: [RonSoft HUD v3.3]

SheepSafe v2.5.2: Purely devoted to improving the crowd control for Mages, Priests, Warlocks, and Druids. Truly effective in corralling the confusing moves of partymates, yet very simplistic in terms of controls and overall usage (mostly controlled with a single command/button). How? Well here’s some of the benefits of having it:

  • If you do not have an enemy targetted, it helps you target good crowd control candidates.
  • It will also pretarget with Detect Magic for Mages (default on) if you are out of combat to provide a visual cue of the target you are about to sheep on the first click. It will also do it for Priests with Mind Vision (default off) if desired. It’s handy for priests but some may find the brief change of perspective disconcerting. I can add it for other classes but I don’t know any appropriate non aggro spell for them.
  • For mages it can optionally notify the party when sheep is broken and announce who did it.
  • It can also optionally alert you when someone gets mind controlled.

Download: [SheepSafe v2.5.2]


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