SmashMyWii smashes a Wii; Autobleeper is on
Schadenfreude is a b***h, and so are SmashMy. Ipods, 360s, PS3s, and now the Wii (although it wasn’t the two Wiis they were hoping for). And so they ceremoniously purchase their Wii, hurl it into the ground, and take the sledgehammer to it. At least when PopSci bricked their Wii, (a) it was unintentional, and (b) at least they got some use out of it.
Yeah. These guys really don’t believe in Santa.
If you want previous coverage of the SmashMyConsole extravaganza (Victor’s title, his idea), link here for the PS3 destruction, and here for the Xbox 360 meeting its demise. We’re really thinking about emailing the Angry Nintendo Nerd to ask if he can unleash his ranting on these guys, but someone else in the staff room’s suggesting we save up the money to hire Agent 47 instead. Or perhaps, they should smash their own Wiis… erm, okay.
We’ll end with one of the Angry Nintendo Nerd’s trademark lines (one we can post here without incurring the wrath of the FCC). They’re scum. We’re wondering what happened to the DestroyMyVirtualBoy guy…
Schadenfreude is a b***h, and so are SmashMy. Ipods, 360s, PS3s, and now the Wii (although it wasn’t the two Wiis they were hoping for). And so they ceremoniously purchase their Wii, hurl it into the ground, and take the sledgehammer to it. At least when PopSci bricked their Wii, (a) it was unintentional, and (b) at least they got some use out of it.
Yeah. These guys really don’t believe in Santa.
If you want previous coverage of the SmashMyConsole extravaganza (Victor’s title, his idea), link here for the PS3 destruction, and here for the Xbox 360 meeting its demise. We’re really thinking about emailing the Angry Nintendo Nerd to ask if he can unleash his ranting on these guys, but someone else in the staff room’s suggesting we save up the money to hire Agent 47 instead. Or perhaps, they should smash their own Wiis… erm, okay.
We’ll end with one of the Angry Nintendo Nerd’s trademark lines (one we can post here without incurring the wrath of the FCC). They’re scum. We’re wondering what happened to the DestroyMyVirtualBoy guy…