Are We Playing Games Too Much?
Yup, you heard me, are we playing too many video games? There’s a million different answers to that question, and it all depends on who you’re asking. The girlfriend/wife? Yes. Your parents/relatives? Yes. Yourself? Hell, no.
Well, it seems some people out there ARE actually interested in breaking the gaming habit, as reported today by the Dallas Morning News. In an article published today, the newspaper profiles a number of parents who say their children are too addicted to games.
By coming down on them and disciplining them, the parents have had some success in curbing their polygon-induced nirvana. Thirteen-year-old Cooper says it best: “My dad takes the GameCube away when we’re playing it too much. The first week we’re miserable and then we forget about it. We go outside, play basketball, play with friends, run around like crazy. After a while, you’re having more fun.”
More fun … than, dare I say, fragging?! I think not.
Perhaps Dr. Ken Haller, of the Saint Louis University School of Medicine, who offers tips for parents, is the wisest of all when he says: “If you can’t beat them, join them. Family time can include playing a video game.” Rock on, Ken. Rock on.
What do you think? Are we playing too many games? Or not playing enough? Chime in all ye faithful.
(Psst. Dr. Ken Haller’s Gamertag is “Hallerback69.”)
[Via, Dallas Morning News]
Yup, you heard me, are we playing too many video games? There’s a million different answers to that question, and it all depends on who you’re asking. The girlfriend/wife? Yes. Your parents/relatives? Yes. Yourself? Hell, no.
Well, it seems some people out there ARE actually interested in breaking the gaming habit, as reported today by the Dallas Morning News. In an article published today, the newspaper profiles a number of parents who say their children are too addicted to games.
By coming down on them and disciplining them, the parents have had some success in curbing their polygon-induced nirvana. Thirteen-year-old Cooper says it best: “My dad takes the GameCube away when we’re playing it too much. The first week we’re miserable and then we forget about it. We go outside, play basketball, play with friends, run around like crazy. After a while, you’re having more fun.”
More fun … than, dare I say, fragging?! I think not.
Perhaps Dr. Ken Haller, of the Saint Louis University School of Medicine, who offers tips for parents, is the wisest of all when he says: “If you can’t beat them, join them. Family time can include playing a video game.” Rock on, Ken. Rock on.
What do you think? Are we playing too many games? Or not playing enough? Chime in all ye faithful.
(Psst. Dr. Ken Haller’s Gamertag is “Hallerback69.”)
[Via, Dallas Morning News]