EVE Online reached new PCU record
So what’s up with MMORPG EVE Online nowadays? EVE Online: Revelations, checked. The game running on the massive and reportedly reliable Tranquility super-computer cluster, checked.
Yup, the sun is indeed shining brightly on the CCP Games‘ direction, but the questions still remain: Will the Tranquility supah-computah perform under pressure and will Revelations pull more gamers to the game?
Well, the answers have come in, and they will surely bring more days of sunshine to the game and its avid players. It was reported recently that the game has reached a new PCU record of close to 33,000 users. PCU, for the uninitiated, stands for peak concurrent user, and last Sunday there were 32,955 users who logged in to Revelations. So the expansion did pull more gamers into the game. Question number two, answered.
On the other hand, Tranquility did its part. Under this huge load, the preliminary log analysis showed that the server cluster was at 47% capacity. So, does this means no more downtime for EVE Online? Well, we could only wish for that. But if Tranquility is doing that well, this may be the end of those darned downtimes. Question number one, answered.
So what’s up with MMORPG EVE Online nowadays? EVE Online: Revelations, checked. The game running on the massive and reportedly reliable Tranquility super-computer cluster, checked.
Yup, the sun is indeed shining brightly on the CCP Games‘ direction, but the questions still remain: Will the Tranquility supah-computah perform under pressure and will Revelations pull more gamers to the game?
Well, the answers have come in, and they will surely bring more days of sunshine to the game and its avid players. It was reported recently that the game has reached a new PCU record of close to 33,000 users. PCU, for the uninitiated, stands for peak concurrent user, and last Sunday there were 32,955 users who logged in to Revelations. So the expansion did pull more gamers into the game. Question number two, answered.
On the other hand, Tranquility did its part. Under this huge load, the preliminary log analysis showed that the server cluster was at 47% capacity. So, does this means no more downtime for EVE Online? Well, we could only wish for that. But if Tranquility is doing that well, this may be the end of those darned downtimes. Question number one, answered.