GuildWars: Skill Synergy II
Last week, we discussed with you a GuildWars PvP primer with emphasis on Skill Synergy. It was quite a long feature so we posted it back then as Part One. Generally, the primer dealt with five different professions, together with their specific builds, skills and rationale. This time, we’re giving you Part 2.
For this round, the GuildWars official site decided to focus on professions Assassin, Monk, Mesmer, Ranger, and Ritualist. I was particularly thrilled with the Assassin. Maybe it is partly because of my fondness for an upcoming assassin type game on next-gen consoles.
Assassins work to snare and overload a single enemy. Take for example the case of Deep Wound. This specific skill, when used, allows your character to continue striking with daggers as the opponent’s healing ability lessens. Do take note though, that it isn’t wise to fill your Skill Bar with dual attacks. My friends, variety is the key.
Anyway, there are other professions to discuss and we’ve barely scratch the surface for this one. For a more in-depth discussion and examples, refer to our read link below.
Last week, we discussed with you a GuildWars PvP primer with emphasis on Skill Synergy. It was quite a long feature so we posted it back then as Part One. Generally, the primer dealt with five different professions, together with their specific builds, skills and rationale. This time, we’re giving you Part 2.
For this round, the GuildWars official site decided to focus on professions Assassin, Monk, Mesmer, Ranger, and Ritualist. I was particularly thrilled with the Assassin. Maybe it is partly because of my fondness for an upcoming assassin type game on next-gen consoles.
Assassins work to snare and overload a single enemy. Take for example the case of Deep Wound. This specific skill, when used, allows your character to continue striking with daggers as the opponent’s healing ability lessens. Do take note though, that it isn’t wise to fill your Skill Bar with dual attacks. My friends, variety is the key.
Anyway, there are other professions to discuss and we’ve barely scratch the surface for this one. For a more in-depth discussion and examples, refer to our read link below.