SodR: “I got ripped off” regarding ThemePSP v2
Somebody edited a respected developer’s application and released it as his own without permission or credit. Here’s what happened:
- A few days ago we saw ThemePSP v2 in the QJ forums. We thought “cool, ThemePSP has been updated” and one of us decided to write about it. It was supposed to be a straightforward update: “version X has been updated into version Y,” and many of you made happy comments and tried the new version out.
- ThemePSP v2 was released by “M_Roc” – but the ThemePSP project is a project by SodR (the latest official release was v1.2, pictured above). When the article came out, some people wondered if the project been passed on to somebody else or if SodR change nickname or if SodR had brought somebody else on board for the project (Urza the Tyrant over at the QJ forums said something similar in SodR’s thread).
- Kristine’s article was linked to an article about SodR’s ThemePSP article (which had “SodR” on it) and included the ThemePSP tag (which has “SodR” written all over that); M_Roc released the homebrew with a changelog that closely resembled that of SodR’s ThemePSP v1.2 (“New nicer GUI!”). From the look of things, I don’t think anybody suspected theft.
SodR, the developer of the ThemePSP project, posted a PSP Homebrew Discussion thread over at the QJ forums:
Regarding “ThemePSP v2” (I got ripped off)
A while ago I released an app called ThemePSP which made you able to flash your own “Themes” to the PSP (font, gameboot, background etc.) and the last version was 1.2. The program got acctually got quite popular and there was a theme creating thread here runned by Urza The Tyrant (props to you!). Since I thought noone should rip my program I didn’t implent the pictures into the eboot so anyone could change them and the font without no programming skills at all.
Everything was fine until I checked pspu today. Someone called “M_Roc” had just changed the pictures, edited the readme file (He keept the same file, just edited my name away) and released it under the name ThemePSP v2.
You can read the rest of what SodR wrote by reading the Full Article or going to the forum.
SodR, please don’t let your disappointment over this remove you from the homebrew community. Your application has gotten quite popular, and there are many of us who want to see a new (official) version.
Discuss: [PSP Homebrew Discussion Thread]
Somebody edited a respected developer’s application and released it as his own without permission or credit. Here’s what happened:
- A few days ago we saw ThemePSP v2 in the QJ forums. We thought “cool, ThemePSP has been updated” and one of us decided to write about it. It was supposed to be a straightforward update: “version X has been updated into version Y,” and many of you made happy comments and tried the new version out.
- ThemePSP v2 was released by “M_Roc” – but the ThemePSP project is a project by SodR (the latest official release was v1.2, pictured above). When the article came out, some people wondered if the project been passed on to somebody else or if SodR change nickname or if SodR had brought somebody else on board for the project (Urza the Tyrant over at the QJ forums said something similar in SodR’s thread).
- Kristine’s article was linked to an article about SodR’s ThemePSP article (which had “SodR” on it) and included the ThemePSP tag (which has “SodR” written all over that); M_Roc released the homebrew with a changelog that closely resembled that of SodR’s ThemePSP v1.2 (“New nicer GUI!”). From the look of things, I don’t think anybody suspected theft.
SodR, the developer of the ThemePSP project, posted a PSP Homebrew Discussion thread over at the QJ forums:
Regarding “ThemePSP v2” (I got ripped off)
A while ago I released an app called ThemePSP which made you able to flash your own “Themes” to the PSP (font, gameboot, background etc.) and the last version was 1.2. The program got actually got quite popular and there was a theme creating thread here runned by Urza The Tyrant (props to you!). Since I thought noone should rip my program I didn’t implent the pictures into the eboot so anyone could change them and the font without no programming skills at all.
Everything was fine until I checked pspu today. Someone called “M_Roc” had just changed the pictures, edited the readme file (He keept the same file, just edited my name away) and released it under the name ThemePSP v2. There is something I just want to set clear at this point:
* I did not aprove anyone to use the name ThemePSP, nither the code it’s based on or edit the pictures or the readme.
* I did not aprove M_Roc (or any other person for that matter) to use my program.
Yepp, it looks like I got ripped of. He didn’t even mind to change the name of the app, he just released it as v2.
Another word to the blogger here on qj, Kristine C , who I’ll quote
Originally Posted by Kristine C
M_Roc has just released an update to his app in the form of ThemePSP v2, so those of you who have been wanting to give your PSP a facelift might want to give this little ‘brew a try. According to the maker of this app, here are the following changes in this version:
Time to check up your sources…
I was never one of the really great devs on the PSP scene so I never really thought someone would rip me off, but obviously there are such persons here, and that is why I have decided to not release anything more (I acctually got a working Hexic clone on my harddrive which I’ll never finsh…). So thanks for all the good times I have had with my PSP and all the great persons that do exist. (And fcuk you M_roc who destroyed my day).
Regards, SodR
btw. I might check in a last time on the pspu forum to release the sources to my apps, there might be other persons who what to rip me off.
SodR, please don’t let your disappointment over this remove you from the homebrew community. Your application has gotten quite popular, and there are many of us who want to see a new (official) version.
Discuss: [PSP Homebrew Discussion Thread]