Nintendo: Software sales update
Here’s a quick heads up – we just read up Nikkei’s sales reports for Nintendo as of last year. And what does it say for the gaming company that Mario calls home?
According to the report, Nintendo’s now ranking number eight out of 10 for software sales, thanks partly to the DS’ massive popularity. Game titles that dominated alongside the DS sales were brain trainers (Brain Age, Brain Academy, etc). Of course, there’s also the Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon: Pearl titles that were also hot-sellers.
This confirms previous reports on Nintendo’s financial reports based on another source. Unfortunately, we don’t know how big an impact the Wii had on these scores. Given the numbers they’ve been churning out, both here and in Japan (as we’ve seen in the happy campers), we’re expecting it to be pretty significant.
Via Nikkei
Here’s a quick heads up – we just read up Nikkei’s sales reports for Nintendo as of last year. And what does it say for the gaming company that Mario calls home?
According to the report, Nintendo’s now ranking number eight out of 10 for software sales, thanks partly to the DS’ massive popularity. Game titles that dominated alongside the DS sales were brain trainers (Brain Age, Brain Academy, etc). Of course, there’s also the Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon: Pearl titles that were also hot-sellers.
This confirms previous reports on Nintendo’s financial reports based on another source. Unfortunately, we don’t know how big an impact the Wii had on these scores. Given the numbers they’ve been churning out, both here and in Japan (as we’ve seen in the happy campers), we’re expecting it to be pretty significant.
Via Nikkei