SnakeSP v6

Aaah! A snake! A snaaaake...

MrMr[iCE] bumped up SnakeSP to v6 today. While v5 was all about the sound effects, v6 throws in a music loop and added water-ripple visual effects. In case you’re curious, the looping OST is a wav file in the “music” folder in the game’s main folder.
MrMr[iCE] hasn’t said anything yet about custom soundtracks, though, for anyone out there who’s asking.

Now if you’re curious about the graphic effects used in this game, MrMr[iCE] says they’re all vector-art. Nothing is pre-rendered or pixeled here. The Wiki definition, abridged, is that the graphics are all done by math equations rather than by “dot-matrix” pixel. MrMr[iCE] says,

… Everything is drawn using lines and filled polygons. This lets me draw the objects at any scale. position and orientation, without worrying about pixel artifacts, like rotated bitmaps. And everything in the game is rendered with hardware. All I do is tell the psp when and where to draw, it does the rest.

Let’s just say it looks good. fl0wish. Every Extendish. Trigo-warrish. Ah, you get the picture. Hungry for some snake?

Download: [SnakeSP v6]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

Aaah! A snake! A snaaaake...

MrMr[iCE] bumped up SnakeSP to v6 today. While v5 was all about the sound effects, v6 throws in a music loop and added water-ripple visual effects. In case you’re curious, the looping OST is a wav file in the “music” folder in the game’s main folder.
MrMr[iCE] hasn’t said anything yet about custom soundtracks, though, for anyone out there who’s asking.

Now if you’re curious about the graphic effects used in this game, MrMr[iCE] says they’re all vector-art. Nothing is pre-rendered or pixeled here. The Wiki definition, abridged, is that the graphics are all done by math equations rather than by “dot-matrix” pixel. MrMr[iCE] says,

… Everything is drawn using lines and filled polygons. This lets me draw the objects at any scale. position and orientation, without worrying about pixel artifacts, like rotated bitmaps. And everything in the game is rendered with hardware. All I do is tell the psp when and where to draw, it does the rest.

Let’s just say it looks good. fl0wish. Every Extendish. Trigo-warrish. Ah, you get the picture. Hungry for some snake?

Download: [SnakeSP v6]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

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