It’s Peanut Butter Jelly Time! v0.3
Well being Friday night and all, naturally:
Alexmae from has emailed us well.. a homebrew in Lua. IT?S PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME (v0.3)! We really don?t know the practicality of this, but found it funny. You can move the dancing bananas around with the d-pad and the buttons, as well as change the border with the R and L buttons. I suppose you could time how long your friends will listen before saying something, but we?ll leave the application to you. Personally, I can’t stop laughing =)
You can get it in our PSP Download section [here]. Well being Friday night and all, naturally:
Alexmae from has emailed us well.. a homebrew in Lua. IT?S PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME (v0.3)! We really don?t know the practicality of this, but found it funny. You can move the dancing bananas around with the d-pad and the buttons, as well as change the border with the R and L buttons. I suppose you could time how long your friends will listen before saying something, but we?ll leave the application to you. Personally, I can’t stop laughing =)
You can get it in our PSP Download section [here].