Rolling realm restarts scheduled for January 15
Blizzard poster at the WoW forums”>Tseric has posted a new update regarding the upcoming launch of Burning Crusade over at Blizzard‘s official World of Warcraft forums. According to the post, a series of restarts for all realms is scheduled to start at approximately 5:00 AM PST on Monday, January 15. The restarts are expected to finish in just a short amount of time, so those who want to start trudging through the new BC-fied Azeroth won’t have to wait too long.
In addition, a few realms will need to have their associated databases restarted. Tseric says that the restarts which will begin along with the other realm restarts will bring down the affected realms for approximately 30 minutes. Here’s a list of the affected realms:
- Azjol-Nerub
- Bloodscalp
- Boulderfist
- Bronzebeard
- Crushridge
- Daggerspine
- Darkspear
- Draenor
- Dragonblight
- Dunemaul
- Feathermoon
- Perenolde
- Stonemaul
- Stormscale
- Suramar
- Uldum
Blizzard poster at the WoW forums”>Tseric has posted a new update regarding the upcoming launch of Burning Crusade over at Blizzard‘s official World of Warcraft forums. According to the post, a series of restarts for all realms is scheduled to start at approximately 5:00 AM PST on Monday, January 15. The restarts are expected to finish in just a short amount of time, so those who want to start trudging through the new BC-fied Azeroth won’t have to wait too long.
In addition, a few realms will need to have their associated databases restarted. Tseric says that the restarts which will begin along with the other realm restarts will bring down the affected realms for approximately 30 minutes. Here’s a list of the affected realms:
- Azjol-Nerub
- Bloodscalp
- Boulderfist
- Bronzebeard
- Crushridge
- Daggerspine
- Darkspear
- Draenor
- Dragonblight
- Dunemaul
- Feathermoon
- Perenolde
- Stonemaul
- Stormscale
- Suramar
- Uldum