MSX Emulator for DS: PenkoDS v0.1a
Grafting from Marat Fayzullin’s homebrew emulator, My Ketchup Is Dead recently released a new MSX emulator for the DS. PenkoDS v0.1a is currently on its early stages, and My Ketchup Is Dead wants some feedback to improve it. Currently, here are its features:
- A resize mode to manage the various resolutions of the MSX.
- Support DLDI
- Support of the roms and the discs
- Management of the sound (with the same problems as under CrocoDS)
One of the biggest problems right now is the impossibility of rebooting the system once the MSX disc is “inserted”. Aside from that, roms are still workable. As with other emulators, just copy the rom file onto your flashcard and run it directly after patching.
Download: [PenkoDS v0.1a]
Grafting from Marat Fayzullin’s homebrew emulator, My Ketchup Is Dead recently released a new MSX emulator for the DS. PenkoDS v0.1a is currently on its early stages, and My Ketchup Is Dead wants some feedback to improve it. Currently, here are its features:
- A resize mode to manage the various resolutions of the MSX.
- Support DLDI
- Support of the roms and the discs
- Management of the sound (with the same problems as under CrocoDS)
One of the biggest problems right now is the impossibility of rebooting the system once the MSX disc is “inserted”. Aside from that, roms are still workable. As with other emulators, just copy the rom file onto your flashcard and run it directly after patching.
Download: [PenkoDS v0.1a]