PSPQuarium v0.1 – PSPUpdates Homebrew Contest
puffo83 (author of PSPBrew) has made PSPQuarium for the Homebrew Contest. Made in Lua, this is an aquarium simulator for the PSP. You can buy fish, aquarium decorations and more. The fish have status bars to indicate their hunger, humor and sociability. You can also feed the fish and clean their aquarium, as well as poke the glass, and many more options. Another greet entry puffo83, best of luck!
You can get it in our PSP Download section [here].
You can discuss it and vote on the submissions [here].
Previously Covered Submissions:
? Attack of the Mutants v0.1 by DeNitro
puffo83 (author of PSPBrew) has made PSPQuarium for the Homebrew Contest. Made in Lua, this is an aquarium simulator for the PSP. You can buy fish, aquarium decorations and more. The fish have status bars to indicate their hunger, humor and sociability. You can also feed the fish and clean their aquarium, as well as poke the glass, and many more options. Another greet entry puffo83, best of luck!
You can get it in our PSP Download section [here].
You can discuss it and vote on the submissions [here].
Previously Covered Submissions:
? Attack of the Mutants v0.1 by DeNitro