GTA Custom Soundtracks Broke?

source: gtaunderground

Laz from GtaUnderground recently got off the phone with Rockstar Support and asked them how to enable / use the custom soundtrack feature in Liberty City Stories. They informed him that the feature was added to the game at “the last minute”, and to “keep checking the official site” until more details are released.

It is his thinking that they will have some sort of download from the site that unlocks the custom soundtracks, kind of what WipEout Pure has done in the past with their various Pack addons. It seems we will have to wait and see.

Many people have been saying after a mission for Donald Love you will unlock the the custom feature, which is some sort of radio station mission. Many that have progressed through the game past his missions claim this mission does not happen. As for it unlocking further down the road is unknown. Hopefully, as Rockstar said, the official site will shed some light on the issue soon.

Could this be the reason for the various delays worldwide? Maybe there are shortages or perhaps it will be released fixed and was decided it would be better to sell with a custom patch included. For me, I believe that the North American UMDÂ’s were already burned with firmware 2.0, and 2.01/2.50 was released after their making. Would this delay include the patch bundled with 2.50? Or is this just another one of those European delays? Only time will tell.

Thanks for the info Muratcan!

You can discuss this in our forums [here].

source: gtaunderground

Laz from GtaUnderground recently got off the phone with Rockstar Support and asked them how to enable / use the custom soundtrack feature in Liberty City Stories. They informed him that the feature was added to the game at “the last minute”, and to “keep checking the official site” until more details are released.

It is his thinking that they will have some sort of download from the site that unlocks the custom soundtracks, kind of what WipEout Pure has done in the past with their various Pack addons. It seems we will have to wait and see.

Many people have been saying after a mission for Donald Love you will unlock the the custom feature, which is some sort of radio station mission. Many that have progressed through the game past his missions claim this mission does not happen. As for it unlocking further down the road is unknown. Hopefully, as Rockstar said, the official site will shed some light on the issue soon.

Could this be the reason for the various delays worldwide? Maybe there are shortages or perhaps it will be released fixed and was decided it would be better to sell with a custom patch included. For me, I believe that the North American UMDÂ’s were already burned with firmware 2.0, and 2.01/2.50 was released after their making. Would this delay include the patch bundled with 2.50? Or is this just another one of those European delays? Only time will tell.

Thanks for the info Muratcan!

You can discuss this in our forums [here].

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