A battallion of Bladestorm screenshots
France and England are fighting again, and this time, it doesn’t matter who wins. Everybody will just get back up to fight another day, or on another round (if you so choose). That’s exactly what makes Bladestorm such a dream to play: full scale war on the console without innocent villagers getting in the way of looting and pillaging.
Your role? Simple, pick a side (or imagine yourself fighting on your own side) and decimate your enemies with your own army. Granted, there’s a lot more at stake than your pride when you go into battle, but losing a virtual army comes with zero cost, and with no casualties to anything other than your thumbs.
Why are we speaking so nonchalantly about war, even a virtual one? Simple: we have to convince you that these shots aren’t of real people. Just making sure, you know. In any case, expect Koei and Omega Force to have this wrapped up and shipped to stores in the second quarter. Till then, enjoy these fresh screenies we have of the game.
More screens await after the jump!
France and England are fighting again, and this time, it doesn’t matter who wins. Everybody will just get back up to fight another day, or on another round (if you so choose). That’s exactly what makes Bladestorm such a dream to play: full scale war on the console without innocent villagers getting in the way of looting and pillaging.
Your role? Simple, pick a side (or imagine yourself fighting on your own side) and decimate your enemies with your own army. Granted, there’s a lot more at stake than your pride when you go into battle, but losing a virtual army comes with zero cost, and with no casualties to anything other than your thumbs.
Why are we speaking so nonchalantly about war, even a virtual one? Simple: we have to convince you that these shots aren’t of real people. Just making sure, you know. In any case, expect Koei and Omega Force to have this wrapped up and shipped to stores in the second quarter. Till then, enjoy these fresh screenies we have of the game.