LUA Hiragana Quiz for the PSP
Michael Forney has emailed us his LUA Hiragana Quiz for the PSP. LUA Hiragana Quiz is created with the original idea from Blue Jay, for learning Japanese hiragana. This program shuffles the order of the hiragana, giving you better challenge to remember all the hiragana well. Here is what he wanted to say about this program:
When I saw the hiragana flash cards by Blue Jay posted earlier, I was disappointed that when viewing the images it wouldn’t shuffle, so I always new the answer.To fix this problem, I coded up an extremely simple Hiragana Quiz in Lua using the Hiragana flash cards.
X – Shows a new symbol
O – Shows the correct answer
Start – QuitJust for fun, I made L enable USB mode, and R disable USB Mode.
– Michael Forney
You can get LUA Hiragana Quiz from our PSP download section [here].
You will need Lua Player to run this program.
Thanks for the program and the email, Michael Forney. =)
Currently, this application/game will only run on PSPs with firmware version 1.0 or 1.50. If you do not know which firmware version your PSP has, or if you need help installing this application/game on your PSP, check our Ultimate FAQ.
If you have a higher firmware version than 1.50 on your PSP, pleas check the information below:
– To downgrade the firmware from a version higher than 1.50, please visit [here].
– If you want to try to run it on a 2.0 PSP, please visit our forum for the latest 2.0 eboot loader [here].
Michael Forney has emailed us his LUA Hiragana Quiz for the PSP. LUA Hiragana Quiz is created with the original idea from Blue Jay, for learning Japanese hiragana. This program shuffles the order of the hiragana, giving you better challenge to remember all the hiragana well. Here is what he wanted to say about this program:
When I saw the hiragana flash cards by Blue Jay posted earlier, I was disappointed that when viewing the images it wouldn’t shuffle, so I always new the answer.To fix this problem, I coded up an extremely simple Hiragana Quiz in Lua using the Hiragana flash cards.
X – Shows a new symbol
O – Shows the correct answer
Start – QuitJust for fun, I made L enable USB mode, and R disable USB Mode.
– Michael Forney
You can get LUA Hiragana Quiz from our PSP download section [here].
You will need Lua Player to run this program.
Thanks for the program and the email, Michael Forney. =)
Currently, this application/game will only run on PSPs with firmware version 1.0 or 1.50. If you do not know which firmware version your PSP has, or if you need help installing this application/game on your PSP, check our Ultimate FAQ.
If you have a higher firmware version than 1.50 on your PSP, pleas check the information below:
– To downgrade the firmware from a version higher than 1.50, please visit [here].
– If you want to try to run it on a 2.0 PSP, please visit our forum for the latest 2.0 eboot loader [here].