NeoFlash Spring Coding Competition 07: Zlink v0.9
LUA coder (Zlink 0.5-P)”>Rattmuffen is back with his Zlink homebrew Lua game, and today, his Zlink v0.9 release is an entry for the NeoFlash Spring Coding Competition. As Lua games go, this is quite impressive, to the point of slight addiction (carpal tunnel syndrome included). The full game is actually a collection of other minor games.
The core of Zlink is still there, some Zelda-themed mini-games plus a Zelda quiz of ten questions. The mini-games in this release are: Avoid, Bounce, Chase, and Drop. Some of them even have a multiplayer option. In my opinion, Chase is notched pretty high on the addiction-o-meter. You’ll know what I mean once you get to play it.
One big change for v0.9 though is the inclusion of another game: ZTYPE. It’s a Lua spin-off of the classic, side-scrolling space shoot-’em-up, R-Type. Full changelog:
- Menu: New GFX and music + select sound
- Avoid: New GFX, music, and enemy animation + multiplayer option
- Bounce: New GFX and enemy animation + multiplayer option
- Chase: New GFX + multiplayer option
- Drop: completely new mini-game
- ZTYPE: New menu, credits screen, music room, altered Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, altered Boss 1, and Boss 2
Download: Zlink v0.9
LUA coder (Zlink 0.5-P)”>Rattmuffen is back with his Zlink homebrew Lua game, and today, his Zlink v0.9 release is an entry for the NeoFlash Spring Coding Competition. As Lua games go, this is quite impressive, to the point of slight addiction (carpal tunnel syndrome included). The full game is actually a collection of other minor games.
The core of Zlink is still there, some Zelda-themed mini-games plus a Zelda quiz of ten questions. The mini-games in this release are: Avoid, Bounce, Chase, and Drop. Some of them even have a multiplayer option. In my opinion, Chase is notched pretty high on the addiction-o-meter. You’ll know what I mean once you get to play it.
One big change for v0.9 though is the inclusion of another game: ZTYPE. It’s a Lua spin-off of the classic, side-scrolling space shoot-’em-up, R-Type. Full changelog:
- Menu: New GFX and music + select sound
- Avoid: New GFX, music, and enemy animation + multiplayer option
- Bounce: New GFX and enemy animation + multiplayer option
- Chase: New GFX + multiplayer option
- Drop: completely new mini-game
- ZTYPE: New menu, credits screen, music room, altered Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, altered Boss 1, and Boss 2
Download: Zlink v0.9