Shake it: the trailer to Opoona

Well, it can’t all be gameplay video, can it? GameTrailers has the first trailer for Koei‘s skewed-to-the-kiddie (with that animation, it better be) one-handed RPG, Opoona. Although very much in the Japanese language, context alone gives a very short intro to the backstory. Our young hero gets shoved into an escape pod and is separated from his family, and he must work – and fight – his way back to all of them.

And in the words of St. R. Martin, shake your Bombom, Opoona. Shake your Bombom.

Well, it can’t all be gameplay video, can it? GameTrailers has the first trailer for Koei‘s skewed-to-the-kiddie (with that animation, it better be) one-handed RPG, Opoona. Although very much in the Japanese language, context alone gives a very short intro to the backstory. Our young hero gets shoved into an escape pod and is separated from his family, and he must work – and fight – his way back to all of them.

And in the words of St. R. Martin, shake your Bombom, Opoona. Shake your Bombom.

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