More on Jack Thompson’s citing of Gamespot, Penny Arcade
In the last paragraph of our previous report of Jack Thompson‘s countersuit, we noted that he mentioned GameSpot, Penny-Arcade, and a whole lot of other media outlets and accuses them of conspiring with Take-Two to commit racketeering activities.
Well, thanks to the folks at SPOnG, here’s a bit more details on the mention that he made towards the end of that filing, made in the United States District Court for the southern district of Florida in relation to the case numbered 07-20693-civ-altonaga:
34. Take-Two, either directly or through its agents, including but not limited to Blank Rome, has collaborated and conspired with third parties to commit these racketeering activities (sic, including but not limited to the Entertainment Software Association, the Entertainment Software Rating Board, the Entertainment Consumer Association, Gamepolitics, Kotaku, SPOnG, Joystiq, Gamespot, ign, Game Informer, Electronic Gaming Weekly, Penny Arcade, Doug Lowenstein, and others.
35. As a result of this collaboration, individuals have repeatedly threatened the life of Thompson, visited his residential neighborhood to hand out libellous (sic) pamphlets, filed SLAPP Bar complaints against Thompson, having been encouraged to do so by gaming web sites, sent dozens of items to ThompsonÂ’s home and office via overnight courier and mail, sent sex aid products to his wife, threatened ThompsonÂ’s son, shot at his home, sought to incarcerate Thompson, “bookstormed” his book, Out of HarmÂ’s Way, at, orchestrated and knowingly incited harassing phone calls and letters, and Case 1:07-cv-20693-CMA Document 6 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/21/2007 Page 33 of 37 34 generally engaged in a knowing, purposeful, and illegal “shoot the messenger” strategy against Thompson directly and through surrogates.
Hmm, aren’t Kotaku, Joystiq, SPOnG, IGN, and Gamespot all competitors? Are we going to have to take a red pill to be awakened and be free from this Gaming Matrix that we’re all jacked into?
One righteous man against a cruel evil world, or a kid with a water pistol and bucket full of water? Well?
In the last paragraph of our previous report of Jack Thompson‘s countersuit, we noted that he mentioned GameSpot, Penny-Arcade, and a whole lot of other media outlets and accuses them of conspiring with Take-Two to commit racketeering activities.
Well, thanks to the folks at SPOnG, here’s a bit more details on the mention that he made towards the end of that filing, made in the United States District Court for the southern district of Florida in relation to the case numbered 07-20693-civ-altonaga:
34. Take-Two, either directly or through its agents, including but not limited to Blank Rome, has collaborated and conspired with third parties to commit these racketeering activities (sic, including but not limited to the Entertainment Software Association, the Entertainment Software Rating Board, the Entertainment Consumer Association, Gamepolitics, Kotaku, SPOnG, Joystiq, Gamespot, ign, Game Informer, Electronic Gaming Weekly, Penny Arcade, Doug Lowenstein, and others.
35. As a result of this collaboration, individuals have repeatedly threatened the life of Thompson, visited his residential neighborhood to hand out libellous (sic) pamphlets, filed SLAPP Bar complaints against Thompson, having been encouraged to do so by gaming web sites, sent dozens of items to ThompsonÂ’s home and office via overnight courier and mail, sent sex aid products to his wife, threatened ThompsonÂ’s son, shot at his home, sought to incarcerate Thompson, “bookstormed” his book, Out of HarmÂ’s Way, at, orchestrated and knowingly incited harassing phone calls and letters, and Case 1:07-cv-20693-CMA Document 6 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/21/2007 Page 33 of 37 34 generally engaged in a knowing, purposeful, and illegal “shoot the messenger” strategy against Thompson directly and through surrogates.
Hmm, aren’t Kotaku, Joystiq, SPOnG, IGN, and Gamespot all competitors? Are we going to have to take a red pill to be awakened and be free from this Gaming Matrix that we’re all jacked into?
One righteous man against a cruel evil world, or a kid with a water pistol and bucket full of water? Well?