NPaint v1.0
Homebrew coder NIGathan is announcing the latest version of the NPaint homebrew app, pegged at version 1.0. For those asking what NPaint is, it’s a PSP-based paint homebrew application/game that allows users to draw all sorts of designs on the PSP screen using different kinds of images (brushes).
Here’s this version’s changelog:
- Fully functional menu with New, Load, Credits, Exit, Options, and Instructions:
- New: starts drawing a new image.
- Load: loads your saved image and allows you to add on to it.
- Instructions: shows all of the controls.
- Credits: shows the credits(scroll from bottom).
- Exit: will exit back to the XMB.
- Options: goes to a new menu titled options which has the ability to change CPU speed between 222mhz and 333mhz, ability to change music volume (needs work), ability to change sfx volume (needs work).
- Brush automatically stops from going off the screen.
- Fixed bug when pressing down too many times to load a template causing it to crash. Now it will loop back to the first template.
- Added an animated intro screen.
- New music (by re_animate).
- New EBOOT images and sound (sound be re_animate).
- Changed a few con trolls see “controls” sections or instructions in the game.
Full installation instructions and other important details await in the file README. At this point, we’re letting you guys know that NPaint is NIGathan’s entry into PSP-Hacks’ ongoing homebrew competition. We wish NIGathan the best of luck in this endeavor, and hope the other guys here will do so as well. Enjoy the download!
Download: NPaint version 1.0
Homebrew coder NIGathan is announcing the latest version of the NPaint homebrew app, pegged at version 1.0. For those asking what NPaint is, it’s a PSP-based paint homebrew application/game that allows users to draw all sorts of designs on the PSP screen using different kinds of images (brushes).
Here’s this version’s changelog:
- Fully functional menu with New, Load, Credits, Exit, Options, and Instructions:
- New: starts drawing a new image.
- Load: loads your saved image and allows you to add on to it.
- Instructions: shows all of the controls.
- Credits: shows the credits(scroll from bottom).
- Exit: will exit back to the XMB.
- Options: goes to a new menu titled options which has the ability to change CPU speed between 222mhz and 333mhz, ability to change music volume (needs work), ability to change sfx volume (needs work).
- Brush automatically stops from going off the screen.
- Fixed bug when pressing down too many times to load a template causing it to crash. Now it will loop back to the first template.
- Added an animated intro screen.
- New music (by re_animate).
- New EBOOT images and sound (sound be re_animate).
- Changed a few con trolls see “controls” sections or instructions in the game.
Full installation instructions and other important details await in the file README. At this point, we’re letting you guys know that NPaint is NIGathan’s entry into PSP-Hacks’ ongoing homebrew competition. We wish NIGathan the best of luck in this endeavor, and hope the other guys here will do so as well. Enjoy the download!
Download: NPaint version 1.0