April Fool’s on World of Wacrcraft: Tinfoil Hat, blues, Black Temple Attunement…
The entire World of Warcraft has gone mad. Today being April Fool’s Day, madness has spread from the WoW forums to the Azeroth itself. Who said Blizzard doesn’t have a sense of humor?
The Tinfoil Hat – Well, the International Gnomish Conspiracy is at it again. Do you want profound clarity of mind? Do you want to keep them mind readers at bay? Do you want to be invisible from scrutiny in the Armory or otherwise? The answer to this is the all new Tinfoil Hat!
The schematic for the Tinfoil Hat can be obtained by high-level characters from two faction-specific vendor NPCs in or around Area 52 that sell the schematic to anyone. There is, however, a catch. The creative masterminds who invented the Tinfoil Hat, special engineers Sculder and Mully, are extremely suspicious of any and all visitors. They use Gnomish Cloaking Devices and their own Tinfoil Hats to stay out of sight, and they will only reveal themselves to connoisseurs of their favorite foods — Dried Mushroom Rations for Sculder, and Dried Fruit Rations for Mully (these items can be bought in Thrallmar and Honor Hold).
We’re not really sure where Area 52 is or how you can find Sculder and Mully but we’re sure that if you’re paranoid enough, they’ll eventually come and get you.
More April Fool’s in Azeroth? Click the Full article link below!
The entire World of Warcraft has gone mad. Today being April Fool’s Day, madness has spread from the WoW forums to the Azeroth itself. Who said Blizzard doesn’t have a sense of humor?
The Tinfoil Hat – Well, the International Gnomish Conspiracy is at it again. Do you want profound clarity of mind? Do you want to keep them mind readers at bay? Do you want to be invisible from scrutiny in the Armory or otherwise? The answer to this is the all new Tinfoil Hat!
The schematic for the Tinfoil Hat can be obtained by high-level characters from two faction-specific vendor NPCs in or around Area 52 that sell the schematic to anyone. There is, however, a catch. The creative masterminds who invented the Tinfoil Hat, special engineers Sculder and Mully, are extremely suspicious of any and all visitors. They use Gnomish Cloaking Devices and their own Tinfoil Hats to stay out of sight, and they will only reveal themselves to connoisseurs of their favorite foods — Dried Mushroom Rations for Sculder, and Dried Fruit Rations for Mully (these items can be bought in Thrallmar and Honor Hold).
We’re not really sure where Area 52 is or how you can find Sculder and Mully but we’re sure that if you’re paranoid enough, they’ll eventually come and get you.
Blues Everywhere – Surfing over at the WoW forums in Europe, Aeus had this to say:
So I just spent freakin’ hours farming (Never mind all the other players getting in my way), finally get most of the mats, spend a fortune and finally make the tin foil hat, I put it on, log out, check the armory and guess what? You can still see me! This is not right, I demand a refund, it’s an outrage! So, what do you Blues have to say to this? And don’t ignore me again, DON’T DELETE MY POSTS, I’ll keep posting until I get a blue, damnit. Outrageous!
That was we when realized that it was Aeus the Blizzard poster. His text was white while the players’ blue. It seems that the MMORPG’s CMs are having too much fun today (of course the players as well) and Ommra quite said it all with “BLUE PLZ!!!!”
On the other side of the Atlantic, the US WoW forums posters are also having a blast as not only are the players’ posts in blue but their avatars are also in the form of one Blizzard poster or the other. (We need not note that some people weren’t happy with their Tseric avatars.) And guess what the CMs’ avatars are… level 1 Trolls. In light of that, the CMs are also doing what trolls do – trolling. This one from Drysc:
Blizz, if you’re going to make changes at least document them. Onyxia is CLEARLY using the deep breath ability more often, and you’ve once again snuck it in as a silent nerf in our ability to clear the encounter. It was 100x easier before, and 94% of the players currently online agree that her deep breath ability is 45% more effective. 45%!! PLAYERS!! PERCENTAGES!! I’ve seen you dismiss made up percentages before, but trust me now, these are based on real life testings from the one time we tried her this week. Clearly you have struck my face with your palm of lackadaisical design. The same palm that’s purposefully denied us information and enjoyment of the game.
And Kisirani had this to add:
I have also noticed these changes. How are we supposed to duo Onyxia this way?! You’ve seriously cramped my casual raid playstyle, and I warn you, I am not about to take this sitting down, standing up, or even reclining on my side! If this most heinous subterfuge is not addressed in a manner to my liking, I will cancel all of my accounts, including my dog’s. And I’ll have you know my dog is a very valuable member of my two-man Onyxia raid group.
The Black Temple Attunement – Wait, what? The Black Temple Attunement? What memo did we not get? Well, as it turns out, this too is an April Fool’s prank. Checking the uber long Black Temple questline, it requires players to catch a fish (Djakar) which requires 520 in fishing, turn in 500 Badges of Justice and 100 Marks of Honor, defend a city from the Illidari Invasion for six full hours and pay for whatever damages are done to the cities. We’re sure everyone’s praying for this to be a joke.
Warcraft: Heroes of Azeroth (WHoA) – Whoa! Really? No, not really. This is an announcement on the new real time strategy game from Blizzard. It’s supposedly the prequel to the World of Warcraft and… Well, they… err- are introducing a brand new villain “insidious than any the land has seen: the death knight Arthas Menethil”. (*scratches head*) And there’s a bonus, a special performance by Level 60 Elite Tauren Chieftain.
We may have missed a couple of things but then again, maybe those are working as intended. To those who may have believed some – or all – of the practical jokes that circulated around the World of Warcraft allow us to quote Ommra, “Might I humbly say… PWNED! ;)”
(*puts on Tinfoil Hat*) Happy April Fool’s Day.