World of Warcraft Shamans ask for faster Cleansing pulses
Now we all know the problem behind the almost impossible dispelling of high-level Crippling Poison application, regardless of Vile Poison level, is directly attributed to the skill gathering base level modifiers from the weapon its applied to and not who applied the poison. It’s not an issue of lag, nor is it an issue of talent balancing.
But another issue has arisen: what about if the dagger, even when applied with Crippling Poison gets cleansed, can be struck a lot faster than the Poison Cleansing Totem can pulse out its cleansing powers?
The question was raised because of the speculation that all the offending Rogue needs to do is to spam a lot of hits in order to achieve about the same effect the Crippling Poison issue already achieves with the current bug.
Nethaera doesn’t know if there would be any changes to the Poison Cleansing Totem pulse rate by the future patch, although there’s a high chance that it won’t make it by v2.1.0. But if two strikes can be achieved in the span of five second cleansing pulses, then the Shaman remains a sitting duck to CC-lovin’ Rogues.
Via WoW Forums
Now we all know the problem behind the almost impossible dispelling of high-level Crippling Poison application, regardless of Vile Poison level, is directly attributed to the skill gathering base level modifiers from the weapon its applied to and not who applied the poison. It’s not an issue of lag, nor is it an issue of talent balancing.
But another issue has arisen: what about if the dagger, even when applied with Crippling Poison gets cleansed, can be struck a lot faster than the Poison Cleansing Totem can pulse out its cleansing powers?
The question was raised because of the speculation that all the offending Rogue needs to do is to spam a lot of hits in order to achieve about the same effect the Crippling Poison issue already achieves with the current bug.
Nethaera doesn’t know if there would be any changes to the Poison Cleansing Totem pulse rate by the future patch, although there’s a high chance that it won’t make it by v2.1.0. But if two strikes can be achieved in the span of five second cleansing pulses, then the Shaman remains a sitting duck to CC-lovin’ Rogues.
Via WoW Forums