Heavenly Sword pics and some gratuitous rear-side shots
Putting the “heaven” in Heavenly Sword are these screenshots from GamePro (just in case the watermarks didn’t make it obvious enough). In celebration for their May 2007 issue’s cover story, they’re going to be releasing a couple of screenshots of the said PlayStation 3 title from Ninja Theory for the next couple of days this week, and today, we get to see the first batch of 10 pics.
Here, we see shots taken from what seem to be gameplay and cinematic clips. What I want you to direct your eyes to, though, is the pic with the statue head being consumed by overgrowth – kinda reminds me of Wat Mahtat’s Buddha head in Bangkok; Google it, if you don’t know. Lovely like hell (err, heaven, in this case).
Now I’ve been talking to resident “Weekend Slowdown” mainstay, Ian C., about these pics, and despite discussions of how gorgeous Heavenly Sword‘s landscapes and facial graphics are, it all basically boiled down to Ian’s last statement: “Strategically-placed sword FTW. @_@;;”
Go straight to heaven; click the Full Article link below for more pics!
Putting the “heaven” in Heavenly Sword are these screenshots from GamePro (just in case the watermarks didn’t make it obvious enough). In celebration for their May 2007 issue’s cover story, they’re going to be releasing a couple of screenshots of the said PlayStation 3 title for the next couple of days this week, and today, we get to see the first batch of 10 pics.
Here, we see shots taken from what seem to be gameplay and cinematic clips. What I want you to direct your eyes to, though, is the pic with the statue head being consumed by overgrowth – kinda reminds me of Wat Mahtat’s Buddha head in Bangkok; Google it, if you don’t know. Lovely like hell (err, heaven, in this case).
Now I’ve been talking to resident “Weekend Slowdown” mainstay, Ian C., about these pics, and despite discussions of how gorgeous Heavenly Sword‘s landscapes and facial graphics are, it all basically boiled down to Ian’s last statement: “Strategically-placed sword FTW. @_@;;”