WoW PTR: Testers get free Tier-5 gear

The rogue's Deathmantle armor set, T5 - Image 1While being a test gamer for World of Warcraft‘s Public Test Realms has its own collection of quirks, one of the better payoffs for being a willing Blizzard guinea pig is the cool swag the company sometimes doles out.

This was the case reported by players in the PTRs, as Blizzard released an NPC named Johnny McWeaksauce into Shattrath city to distribute, among other things, free Tier-5 tokens. Yes, you heard that right, T5 tokens just sitting there, waiting to be traded in for their corresponding Tier 5 gear – minus the pains of having to visit the likes of Leotheras the Blind, Lady Vashj, or Void Reaver. This perk appears to be part of Blizzard’s way of easing up the play difficulty of the recently released Black Temple area.

PTR gamers are advised that before they can take advantage of the free T5 tokens, Black Temple keys, and other listed goodies, they will need to be have achieved honored status with the Violet Eye sect – keep that quest log handy.

That’s all to report for the moment, aside from the fact that Mr. McWeaksauce and the T5 vendors at the PTRs are currently bogged down – just keep your cool, and that new Tier 5 set is yours for the taking.

Via WoW Insider

The rogue's Deathmantle armor set, T5 - Image 1While being a test gamer for World of Warcraft‘s Public Test Realms has its own collection of quirks, one of the better payoffs for being a willing Blizzard guinea pig is the cool swag the company sometimes doles out.

This was the case reported by players in the PTRs, as Blizzard released an NPC named Johnny McWeaksauce into Shattrath city to distribute, among other things, free Tier-5 tokens. Yes, you heard that right, T5 tokens just sitting there, waiting to be traded in for their corresponding Tier 5 gear – minus the pains of having to visit the likes of Leotheras the Blind, Lady Vashj, or Void Reaver. This perk appears to be part of Blizzard’s way of easing up the play difficulty of the recently released Black Temple area.

PTR gamers are advised that before they can take advantage of the free T5 tokens, Black Temple keys, and other listed goodies, they will need to be have achieved honored status with the Violet Eye sect – keep that quest log handy.

That’s all to report for the moment, aside from the fact that Mr. McWeaksauce and the T5 vendors at the PTRs are currently bogged down – just keep your cool, and that new Tier 5 set is yours for the taking.

Via WoW Insider

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