Things people want: a petition for the continuation of the Halo movie
One of the many joys of the internet is trolling through Petition Online to find out what crazy thing it is that people are asking for lately. Seriously. You run into weird things. However, this bit we ran into isn’t exactly that farfetched. In fact, to some of you loyal Xbox 360 fans it may make sense. We ran into a petition for the continuation of the production of the Halo movie.
Yes. People are that passionate about these things. Read the petition below (as seen on the site) and see for yourself:
To: Fox Studios and Makers of the Halo Movie
As some of you may know, the Halo movie has been cancelled recently and any chance of a studio taking it now are slim to none. Now, I know that video game movies aren’t often good but Halo isn’t any other game. Halo could easily be made into a movie by todays technology and excellent writers at Fox. Fox Backed out because of a US$ 135 million budget. Thats pocket money for FOX! With the team that was with the Halo movie would have made it an excellent movie. Fox I ask to take a challenge with this movie. What have you got to lose?
The Undersigned
Now, if you folks are wanting to see a Halo movie and are willing to believe that your participation in this Online petition will aid whatever fandom gods out there in getting a Halo movie “good to go,” then feel free to head to the actual petition via our “read” link below.
One of the many joys of the internet is trolling through Petition Online to find out what crazy thing it is that people are asking for lately. Seriously. You run into weird things. However, this bit we ran into isn’t exactly that farfetched. In fact, to some of you loyal Xbox 360 fans it may make sense. We ran into a petition for the continuation of the production of the Halo movie.
Yes. People are that passionate about these things. Read the petition below (as seen on the site) and see for yourself:
To: Fox Studios and Makers of the Halo Movie
As some of you may know, the Halo movie has been cancelled recently and any chance of a studio taking it now are slim to none. Now, I know that video game movies aren’t often good but Halo isn’t any other game. Halo could easily be made into a movie by todays technology and excellent writers at Fox. Fox Backed out because of a US$ 135 million budget. Thats pocket money for FOX! With the team that was with the Halo movie would have made it an excellent movie. Fox I ask to take a challenge with this movie. What have you got to lose?
The Undersigned
Now, if you folks are wanting to see a Halo movie and are willing to believe that your participation in this Online petition will aid whatever fandom gods out there in getting a Halo movie “good to go,” then feel free to head to the actual petition via our “read” link below.