Unofficially yours: Zul’Aman

Zul'Aman Eagle and Dragonhawk gods - Image 1

What is Zul’Aman? Once known to be a large region of northern Lordaeron, it was whittled down by the oncoming alliance of humans and night elves. Now known as a forested region in northeastern Lordaeron, Zul’Aman is filled with trolls who wish to regain their land, and it comes to members of the Horde and Alliance to stem the tide.

Boubouille from MMO Champion recently updated their site to include information on Zul’Aman as gleaned from the game files. In it, they have some speculation on what the future instance could be like for raiders.

Their main speculation, which we definitely agree with, is that Zul’Aman will be a bit like Zul’Gurub, with a large outdoor area filled with temples to the different deities of the trolls. In this case, two of the monsters (pictured above) seem to refer to Eagle and Dragonhawk Gods, which aren’t necessarily part of the current lore for their primal beliefs. Similarly, there are additional listings for Bear and Lynx gods, though no models were shown.

Taken once again from the files, the final boss for Zul’Aman seems to indicate Zul’Jin, though previous information available from WoW Wiki seem to indicate the Warlord Jin’Zakk as the final boss. In either case, shamanistic powers will certainly be on hand for the finale to that raid encounter, and we certainly hope Blizzard gives more information on this possible future instance soon enough.

Zul'Aman location pictures - Image 1 Zul'Aman location pictures - Image 2 Zul'Aman location pictures - Image 3 Zul'Aman location pictures - Image 4

More screenshots after the jump!

Zul'Aman Eagle and Dragonhawk gods - Image 1

What is Zul’Aman? Once known to be a large region of northern Lordaeron, it was whittled down by the oncoming alliance of humans and night elves. Now known as a forested region in northeastern Lordaeron, Zul’Aman is filled with trolls who wish to regain their land, and it comes to members of the Horde and Alliance to stem the tide.

Boubouille from MMO Champion recently updated their site to include information on Zul’Aman as gleaned from the game files. In it, they have some speculation on what the future instance could be like for raiders.

Their main speculation, which we definitely agree with, is that Zul’Aman will be a bit like Zul’Gurub, with a large outdoor area filled with temples to the different deities of the trolls. In this case, two of the monsters (pictured above) seem to refer to Eagle and Dragonhawk Gods, which aren’t necessarily part of the current lore for their primal beliefs. Similarly, there are additional listings for Bear and Lynx gods, though no models were shown.

Taken once again from the files, the final boss for Zul’Aman seems to indicate Zul’Jin, though previous information available from WoW Wiki seem to indicate the Warlord Jin’Zakk as the final boss. In either case, shamanistic powers will certainly be on hand for the finale to that raid encounter, and we certainly hope Blizzard gives more information on this possible future instance soon enough.

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Zul'Aman location pictures - Image 5 Zul'Aman location pictures - Image 6 Zul'Aman location pictures - Image 7 Zul'Aman location pictures - Image 8

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