World of Warcraft maintenance: 20 realms bite the dust
Drooling Ent Drysc just announced that about two dozen U.S. World of Warcraft realms will have to undergo “urgent” maintenance. The estimated time of server unavailability was set at two hours, following a brief uptime of about a minute.
Then like every other Tuesday since the new maintenance schedule, all Hell broke loose.
If you didn’t catch it, we’ll reiterate: Blizzard underestimated their efforts and claimed that all servers were up and running fine. Unfortunately, it didn’t even take a minute of the second 15 minute downtime warning prior to shutting down the server and review what they’ve overlooked.
20 realms are a waste of space to list vertically, so we’ll do it the harder way. Just don’t get cross-eyed on us, folks. The following World of Warcraft realms have issues to be sorted out for the moment: Aerie Peak, Altar of Storms, Alterac Mountains, Anvilmar, Arygos, Blackwing Lair, Deathwing, Demon Soul, Doomhammer, Gnomeregan, Icecrown, Jaedenar, Kel’Thuzad, Lethon, Onyxia, Sentinels, Tanaris, The Venture Co, Uldaman and Undermine.
Via WoW Forums
Drooling Ent Drysc just announced that about two dozen U.S. World of Warcraft realms will have to undergo “urgent” maintenance. The estimated time of server unavailability was set at two hours, following a brief uptime of about a minute.
Then like every other Tuesday since the new maintenance schedule, all Hell broke loose.
If you didn’t catch it, we’ll reiterate: Blizzard underestimated their efforts and claimed that all servers were up and running fine. Unfortunately, it didn’t even take a minute of the second 15 minute downtime warning prior to shutting down the server and review what they’ve overlooked.
20 realms are a waste of space to list vertically, so we’ll do it the harder way. Just don’t get cross-eyed on us, folks. The following World of Warcraft realms have issues to be sorted out for the moment: Aerie Peak, Altar of Storms, Alterac Mountains, Anvilmar, Arygos, Blackwing Lair, Deathwing, Demon Soul, Doomhammer, Gnomeregan, Icecrown, Jaedenar, Kel’Thuzad, Lethon, Onyxia, Sentinels, Tanaris, The Venture Co, Uldaman and Undermine.
Via WoW Forums