WoW bug fix: Arcatraz “freebie” chest
“Just because it’s there doesn’t mean it’s for the taking.” That appears to be the message World of Warcraft‘s developers are driving home today, as Blizzard spokesman Drysc reports a recent bug fix at Arcatraz – the third wing (and Naaru prison) of the Tempest Keep instance:
We’ve just implemented a hotfix that removes a chest from Arcatraz that some players were reaching without having to engage in combat.
So much for that particular freebie. We imagine guys who’ve been using this exploit will be most disappointed with the fix.
But as many a veteran player have said in MMORPGs past: “If you want it, you gotta earn it.” That’s all for the day – keep posted in case more WoW fixes are announced.
Via WoW Forums
“Just because it’s there doesn’t mean it’s for the taking.” That appears to be the message World of Warcraft‘s developers are driving home today, as Blizzard spokesman Drysc reports a recent bug fix at Arcatraz – the third wing (and Naaru prison) of the Tempest Keep instance:
We’ve just implemented a hotfix that removes a chest from Arcatraz that some players were reaching without having to engage in combat.
So much for that particular freebie. We imagine guys who’ve been using this exploit will be most disappointed with the fix.
But as many a veteran player have said in MMORPGs past: “If you want it, you gotta earn it.” That’s all for the day – keep posted in case more WoW fixes are announced.
Via WoW Forums