Shooting while moving: The Super Scope in Super Smash Brothers Brawl

Say hello to my little friend! - Image 1Here’s another update on the highly anticipated Super Smash Brothers Brawl for the Nintendo Wii. This time, it’s about the rapid-fire items they’ve added and how you’ll be able to use them in your advantage. Yes, it’s about items again, and if you’re one who doesn’t mind the wild card factor of having them in a round, you’d best read on – it could give you the edge in future bouts.

Enter the Super Scope, one of the so-called shooting items Ninty has given the green light to make a comeback in Brawl. While it doesn’t look like much, veterans know how powerful it could be in the right hands. While we’re not sure if it’s retained its charging ability, what we DO know is that you’ll be able to move while firing – back and forth – and even jump while doing so.

Moving while firing? Definitely a good thing, considering that things can get pretty frantic in a match, and you’ll need all the mobility you get to avoid attacks while dishing out the pain. Take heed, though, as with all items, it has its own ups and downs, and it’s really not a good idea to rely on them all that much. It’s as the legendary Grayfox says – “Only a fool trusts his life to a weapon.”

For better or for worse, items are here to stay, and remain a large part of gameplay. Updates of Super Smash Brothers Brawl as we get them, so keep it locked right here for any and all further developments!

Say hello to my little friend! - Image 1Here’s another update on the highly anticipated Super Smash Brothers Brawl for the Nintendo Wii. This time, it’s about the rapid-fire items they’ve added and how you’ll be able to use them in your advantage. Yes, it’s about items again, and if you’re one who doesn’t mind the wild card factor of having them in a round, you’d best read on – it could give you the edge in future bouts.

Enter the Super Scope, one of the so-called shooting items Ninty has given the green light to make a comeback in Brawl. While it doesn’t look like much, veterans know how powerful it could be in the right hands. While we’re not sure if it’s retained its charging ability, what we DO know is that you’ll be able to move while firing – back and forth – and even jump while doing so.

Moving while firing? Definitely a good thing, considering that things can get pretty frantic in a match, and you’ll need all the mobility you get to avoid attacks while dishing out the pain. Take heed, though, as with all items, it has its own ups and downs, and it’s really not a good idea to rely on them all that much. It’s as the legendary Grayfox says – “Only a fool trusts his life to a weapon.”

For better or for worse, items are here to stay, and remain a large part of gameplay. Updates of Super Smash Brothers Brawl as we get them, so keep it locked right here for any and all further developments!

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