Boot Manager for OE
PSP homebrew developer vodkkaa (creator of the USBon Plugin) dropped by the QJ.Net Forums earlier to announce the release of the Boot Manager application for custom firmware 3.40 OE. This homebrew app will allow PSP owners, among other things, to launch recovery mode for custom OE firmware. As for the rest of its functions:
- Menu to launch predefined homebrew
- launch OE recovery
- Launch IE recovery
- Launch IE special recovery
- flash vsh.prx
- autoboot program
That’s the summary of Boot Manager’s uses – more details can be found in the file readme, and vodkkaa’s thread over at the QJ.Net Forums. Enjoy the app, and stick around in case we pick up news of an update.
Download: Boot Manager for OE
Visit: QJ’s PSP Development Forum
PSP homebrew developer vodkkaa (creator of the USBon Plugin) dropped by the QJ.Net Forums earlier to announce the release of the Boot Manager application for custom firmware 3.40 OE. This homebrew app will allow PSP owners, among other things, to launch recovery mode for custom OE firmware. As for the rest of its functions:
- Menu to launch predefined homebrew
- launch OE recovery
- Launch IE recovery
- Launch IE special recovery
- flash vsh.prx
- autoboot program
That’s the summary of Boot Manager’s uses – more details can be found in the file readme, and vodkkaa’s thread over at the QJ.Net Forums. Enjoy the app, and stick around in case we pick up news of an update.
Download: Boot Manager for OE
Visit: QJ’s PSP Development Forum