Sony confirms 650,000 PSPs sold in Italy
Sony disclosed that Italian PlayStation enthusiasts – by far the most hardcore of Sony enthusiasts – have bought over 650,000 PSP units since its launch in Italy, with 50,000 coming from sales from the month of May alone.
As Sony’s most ardent supporter, Italy comes in as the fifth largest European gaming market next to Spain. Some 35% of Italy’s gaming population is comprised of females, with the average age of 28 years.
The increase of sales – which is almost double compared to last year’s sales volume for the same period – was most likely brought about by the PSP’s price drop of only 169 Euros. However not even Sony’s staunchest supporters can quell Nintendo Company Ltd.’s success as the DS still stood on top, as noted by François Storelli, EA Italy’s General Manager. The numbers, however, are showing that the DS and PSP are racing neck-and-neck and the difference in sales are not that significant.
Sony disclosed that Italian PlayStation enthusiasts – by far the most hardcore of Sony enthusiasts – have bought over 650,000 PSP units since its launch in Italy, with 50,000 coming from sales from the month of May alone.
As Sony’s most ardent supporter, Italy comes in as the fifth largest European gaming market next to Spain. Some 35% of Italy’s gaming population is comprised of females, with the average age of 28 years.
The increase of sales – which is almost double compared to last year’s sales volume for the same period – was most likely brought about by the PSP’s price drop of only 169 Euros. However not even Sony’s staunchest supporters can quell Nintendo Company Ltd.’s success as the DS still stood on top, as noted by François Storelli, EA Italy’s General Manager. The numbers, however, are showing that the DS and PSP are racing neck-and-neck and the difference in sales are not that significant.