Tales of Symphonia sequel, revival of a Nintendo franchise coming to Wii
Just recently, IGN revealed some pretty hot news on their latest Wii News podcast and revealed that we’ll be seeing a Namco Bandai‘s GameCube title Tales of Symphonia sequel on the Wii. Another game, a Nintendo franchise revival, will be announced on E3.
Among other news, we also found out that Geometry Wars Galaxies will feature 60 planet types and they will look more vibrant on Xbox 360. Matt, one of those IGN guys, will also be lucky enough to get his hands on a private demo of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption at E3 next week.
Mario and Sonic at the Olympics, the game of superstars said to rival Halo’s hype and popularity, will be present at E3 but only available to a select few behind closed doors. Red Steel 2 and other big titles are no-show ’til after the event. Rockstar, like analysts expected, won’t be making an appearance.
Check out the podcast yourself by clicking on the link below.
Just recently, IGN revealed some pretty hot news on their latest Wii News podcast and revealed that we’ll be seeing a Namco Bandai‘s GameCube title Tales of Symphonia sequel on the Wii. Another game, a Nintendo franchise revival, will be announced on E3.
Among other news, we also found out that Geometry Wars Galaxies will feature 60 planet types and they will look more vibrant on Xbox 360. Matt, one of those IGN guys, will also be lucky enough to get his hands on a private demo of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption at E3 next week.
Mario and Sonic at the Olympics, the game of superstars said to rival Halo’s hype and popularity, will be present at E3 but only available to a select few behind closed doors. Red Steel 2 and other big titles are no-show ’til after the event. Rockstar, like analysts expected, won’t be making an appearance.
Check out the podcast yourself by clicking on the link below.