Blizzard to give away a 1-day game time credit in WoW

Blizzard to give away a days worth of WoW - Image 1Some players will undoubtedly have noticed that there was extended maintenance done last June 27 in Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft. This maintenance caused eight hours of downtime for the servers Alonsus, Anachronos, Bronze Dragonflight, Burning Steppes, Darkmoon Faire, Darkspear, Kor’gall, and Lightbringer.

Because of this, Blizzard poster/ Forum Moderator Aeus announced on the Europe WoW forums that all players with an active character on any of those servers will be granted one day of game time credit.

This was met with a mixed reaction from the players. Some have applauded this move, while others have questioned it asking that the downtime from a month ago be refunded as well.

A few players have given word that they haven’t seen the additional free day on their accounts yet. If this is the case, it might be wise to contact Blizzard regarding it. So players from the aforementioned servers have gotten a free day of gaming, while it may not seem like much, it all adds up if Blizzard keeps implementing this for every unscheduled downtime.

Via WoW Europe Forums

Blizzard to give away a days worth of WoW - Image 1Some players will undoubtedly have noticed that there was extended maintenance done last June 27 in Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft. This maintenance caused eight hours of downtime for the servers Alonsus, Anachronos, Bronze Dragonflight, Burning Steppes, Darkmoon Faire, Darkspear, Kor’gall, and Lightbringer.

Because of this, Blizzard poster/ Forum Moderator Aeus announced on the Europe WoW forums that all players with an active character on any of those servers will be granted one day of game time credit.

This was met with a mixed reaction from the players. Some have applauded this move, while others have questioned it asking that the downtime from a month ago be refunded as well.

A few players have given word that they haven’t seen the additional free day on their accounts yet. If this is the case, it might be wise to contact Blizzard regarding it. So players from the aforementioned servers have gotten a free day of gaming, while it may not seem like much, it all adds up if Blizzard keeps implementing this for every unscheduled downtime.

Via WoW Europe Forums

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