Factor 5 president: magazines ignoring the Wii will go out of business

Level 5's president says magazines ignoring the Wii will go out of business - Image 1Nintendo has taken the next-gen market by storm. Easily one of the fastest selling consoles ever, this product has captured the attention of multitudes of gamers since it first came out.

It has been said that the popularity of the Wii is due to the fact that casual gamers can pick it up and play more easily. With all the changes in the gaming industry, it can be expected that market strategies must adjust to the phenomenon, lest companies get left behind.

The president of Factor 5 (which is developing Lair for the PS3), Julian Eggebrecht, acknowledged this fact and gave his take on the situation:

Let’s say the Wii takes over the world. Just naturally, the traditional magazines – if they stick to their current position of slightly dissing it – will simply go out of business.

If on the other hand the market stays as diverse as it is right now, which is actually quite exciting I think, then there just might be room for a more hardcore press which will potentially drift further away from the casual side, and a casual press which appreciates what companies like Nintendo are doing.

What Eggebrecht said is pretty obvious, as companies that won’t adopt will undoubtedly go out of business. However, this blogger believes that there will always be room for hardcore and casual gamer magazines, no matter who wins the console war. After all, while there are more casual gamers, hardcore gamers tend to spend more on gaming.

Level 5's president says magazines ignoring the Wii will go out of business - Image 1Nintendo has taken the next-gen market by storm. Easily one of the fastest selling consoles ever, this product has captured the attention of multitudes of gamers since it first came out.

It has been said that the popularity of the Wii is due to the fact that casual gamers can pick it up and play more easily. With all the changes in the gaming industry, it can be expected that market strategies must adjust to the phenomenon, lest companies get left behind.

The president of Factor 5 (which is developing Lair for the PS3), Julian Eggebrecht, acknowledged this fact and gave his take on the situation:

Let’s say the Wii takes over the world. Just naturally, the traditional magazines – if they stick to their current position of slightly dissing it – will simply go out of business.

If on the other hand the market stays as diverse as it is right now, which is actually quite exciting I think, then there just might be room for a more hardcore press which will potentially drift further away from the casual side, and a casual press which appreciates what companies like Nintendo are doing.

What Eggebrecht said is pretty obvious, as companies that won’t adopt will undoubtedly go out of business. However, this blogger believes that there will always be room for hardcore and casual gamer magazines, no matter who wins the console war. After all, while there are more casual gamers, hardcore gamers tend to spend more on gaming.

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