One new Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII scan
More Buster Sword beatings and Odin Summoning shenanigans headed for you in this scan update of Crisis Core: Fantasy VII, courtesy of the good people over at Famitsu. We get you the latest on the game that promises not only to get gamers back in that blissful haze of Final Fantasy VII joy, but also tie up every loose end imaginable in the storyline.
So what’s new in this scan update, you ask? Well, for one, we see more of the game’s slots-like combat system, the Digital Mind Wave, in action, and how it applies not only to the player characters but also to summoned characters, as we see Odin getting the Power Surge power-up in the bottom left-hand corner of the scan.
We also get an eyeful of Zack wielding that ridiculously-oversized Buster Sword that’s more or less an icon of the series, and suffice to say anything that comes in contact with the business end of it pretty much gets gets what’s coming to them, multiplied by five feet of sharpened steel. Ouch.
With all these updates, teasers and products coming out for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, it’s not that far-fetched to see fans just buying out every copy Square Enix will churn out. And let’s be honest here – it’s Final Fantasy VII. That should be reason enough, shouldn’t it?
Updates as we get them, and enjoy the scan.
More Buster Sword beatings and Odin Summoning shenanigans headed for you in this scan update of Crisis Core: Fantasy VII, courtesy of the good people over at Famitsu. We get you the latest on the game that promises not only to get gamers back in that blissful haze of Final Fantasy VII joy, but also tie up every loose end imaginable in the storyline.
So what’s new in this scan update, you ask? Well, for one, we see more of the game’s slots-like combat system, the Digital Mind Wave, in action, and how it applies not only to the player characters but also to summoned characters, as we see Odin getting the Power Surge power-up in the bottom left-hand corner of the scan.
We also get an eyeful of Zack wielding that ridiculously-oversized Buster Sword that’s more or less an icon of the series, and suffice to say anything that comes in contact with the business end of it pretty much gets gets what’s coming to them, multiplied by five feet of sharpened steel. Ouch.
With all these updates, teasers and products coming out for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, it’s not that far-fetched to see fans just buying out every copy Square Enix will churn out. And let’s be honest here – it’s Final Fantasy VII. That should be reason enough, shouldn’t it?
Updates as we get them, and enjoy the scan.