Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08’s GamerNet and PhotoFace discussed

For those of you who didn’t catch the Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 demo from Electronic Arts which went online recently, prepare to change your mind. This video has one of the project’s bosses Mike Cayado talking about Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08’s features. While you’re listening in, take the time to gawk at the sweet graphics. Check it out:

Mike mainly talks about the GamerNET, a new feature that measures every move you make in the game and allows you to upload the clip to share it with everyone online. The feature works great not only for showing off, but also for earning points that will enhance your saved game.

Also discussed was the Photo Face feature that allows you to take a snapshot of yourself or download an image online and have a created golfer put it on. The amazing thing about this is that the game generates expressions using the image data, so your face will react realistically on any given situation and not remain stone-faced, staring at nothingness all the time. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 is headed for the Microsoft Xbox 360, the Sony PlayStation 3, and the PC.

Buy: [Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 (Xbox 360)]
Buy: [Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 (PS3)]

For those of you who didn’t catch the Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 demo from Electronic Arts which went online recently, prepare to change your mind. This video has one of the project’s bosses Mike Cayado talking about Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08’s features. While you’re listening in, take the time to gawk at the sweet graphics. Check it out:

Mike mainly talks about the GamerNET, a new feature that measures every move you make in the game and allows you to upload the clip to share it with everyone online. The feature works great not only for showing off, but also for earning points that will enhance your saved game.

Also discussed was the Photo Face feature that allows you to take a snapshot of yourself or download an image online and have a created golfer put it on. The amazing thing about this is that the game generates expressions using the image data, so your face will react realistically on any given situation and not remain stone-faced, staring at nothingness all the time. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 is headed for the Microsoft Xbox 360, the Sony PlayStation 3, and the PC.

Buy: [Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 (Xbox 360)]
Buy: [Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 (PS3)]

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