Drysc chimes in on Arena Ratings and weapons
Is one’s effectivity in battle determined more by the sword they have, or the skill the sword-wielder has in using it? While it’s always been a mix of both in the real world, the results of such a debate are harder to determine online, especially since “weapons and armor” all boil down to a bunch of numbers that enhance a player character, covered in a specific skin. That being said though, it’s time to take a quick look at the question with a new forum post raised by Iziuto of Steamwheedle Cartel.
The original question being asked by Iziuto was about Season 3 arena ratings. Specifically, he was wondering whether or not a specific rating would be needed to purchase certain weapons from arena vendors.
The thread essentially changed from the base topic after a while, with people griping about the need for an arena rating. From their point of view, they wonder, “How can teams of lower rank compete with teams of higher rank when the higher ranked teams are equipped with better weapons?”
While this does pose a valid point, there were additional factors to consider. From Blizzard‘s standpoint, the answer is both a matter of skill and also of balancing the overall game mechanic to keep things competitive. As Drysc noted:
A weapon isn’t going to keep your 1300 team from competing with the best teams.
The change is being made to help keep the nice PvP rewards for the good PvP players, and the nice PvE rewards for the good PvErs. Having the weapons there is too tempting for PvE players to come in, not care about PvP, their team, or rating, and jump in just long enough to go for the weapons and then leave. It’s not exactly in-line with the team and ladder based PvP competition the arenas are there for.
Also, there’s been no announcement on a final rating. I remember hearing 1800 at BlizzCon, some people say they heard 1900, in any case it’s likely to be around there but there’s still no final number announced… or even if it’s a definite and final change.
The two-pronged answer certainly explains a lot, though it’s unlikely to please proponents of a more open system. We’re proponents of skill ourselves, even if we don’t have the best rating out there. It keeps us on our toes. How about you? What do you think?
Is one’s effectivity in battle determined more by the sword they have, or the skill the sword-wielder has in using it? While it’s always been a mix of both in the real world, the results of such a debate are harder to determine online, especially since “weapons and armor” all boil down to a bunch of numbers that enhance a player character, covered in a specific skin. That being said though, it’s time to take a quick look at the question with a new forum post raised by Iziuto of Steamwheedle Cartel.
The original question being asked by Iziuto was about Season 3 arena ratings. Specifically, he was wondering whether or not a specific rating would be needed to purchase certain weapons from arena vendors.
The thread essentially changed from the base topic after a while, with people griping about the need for an arena rating. From their point of view, they wonder, “How can teams of lower rank compete with teams of higher rank when the higher ranked teams are equipped with better weapons?”
While this does pose a valid point, there were additional factors to consider. From Blizzard‘s standpoint, the answer is both a matter of skill and also of balancing the overall game mechanic to keep things competitive. As Drysc noted:
A weapon isn’t going to keep your 1300 team from competing with the best teams.
The change is being made to help keep the nice PvP rewards for the good PvP players, and the nice PvE rewards for the good PvErs. Having the weapons there is too tempting for PvE players to come in, not care about PvP, their team, or rating, and jump in just long enough to go for the weapons and then leave. It’s not exactly in-line with the team and ladder based PvP competition the arenas are there for.
Also, there’s been no announcement on a final rating. I remember hearing 1800 at BlizzCon, some people say they heard 1900, in any case it’s likely to be around there but there’s still no final number announced… or even if it’s a definite and final change.
The two-pronged answer certainly explains a lot, though it’s unlikely to please proponents of a more open system. We’re proponents of skill ourselves, even if we don’t have the best rating out there. It keeps us on our toes. How about you? What do you think?