Everquest II Game Update 38 patch notes
The patch notes for Sony‘s EverQuest II update number 38 is already out. It implements quite a few gameplay changes that players should take note of. In addition to this, it was mentioned that the Grand Trickster Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane may have returned to Norrath.
One of the major changes involves the removal of Dual Wield weapon trait. Replacing it is a new system classifying weapons as either one-handed, main hand, or off hand. The patch notes stated that the base damage of dual wield weapons have been buffed up putting them at the same level as one handed weapons.
Furthermore, the base delay of melee weapons will be increased by 33%, increasing the DPS of a dual wielding character. To balance this out Two-Handed armaments have also been significantly buffed as well.
Another thing this patch adds is the ability to swear allegiance to Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane, the god of pranks and mischief. You can do so by speaking with Tobel Patadash at the docks of The Enchanted Lands. He is the self-proclaimed prophet of Bristlebane and has drawn the ire of the Gigglegibber Goblins who have their own notion of who the real prophet is.
There are too many details in the patch notes to cover in this small article, so you may want to click on our Read Link to head to read the full list of changes.
The patch notes for Sony‘s EverQuest II update number 38 is already out. It implements quite a few gameplay changes that players should take note of. In addition to this, it was mentioned that the Grand Trickster Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane may have returned to Norrath.
One of the major changes involves the removal of Dual Wield weapon trait. Replacing it is a new system classifying weapons as either one-handed, main hand, or off hand. The patch notes stated that the base damage of dual wield weapons have been buffed up putting them at the same level as one handed weapons.
Furthermore, the base delay of melee weapons will be increased by 33%, increasing the DPS of a dual wielding character. To balance this out Two-Handed armaments have also been significantly buffed as well.
Another thing this patch adds is the ability to swear allegiance to Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane, the god of pranks and mischief. You can do so by speaking with Tobel Patadash at the docks of The Enchanted Lands. He is the self-proclaimed prophet of Bristlebane and has drawn the ire of the Gigglegibber Goblins who have their own notion of who the real prophet is.
There are too many details in the patch notes to cover in this small article, so you may want to click on our Read Link to head to read the full list of changes.