VersionChanger v1.0 – generate random PSP versions
New homebrew developer imalinuxfreak dropped by QJ.NET PSP Development Forum and released his first PSP application known as VersionChanger. This program is actually part of a bigger flasher application the coder is currently working on.
VersionChanger allows users to modify the flash of their PlayStation Portable units so that they can come up with their own system versions. Take note that the generator program in this software only accepts versions 0.01 to 9.99. imalinuxfreak said that a custom label maker will be released with the future builds.
For those who are wondering, you can technically assign letters to the version numbers. However, the developer warns against it because the process will semi-brick your PSP units and will prevent you from running any eboots. The flasher part of VersionChanger was written using the code from program uFlash.
VersionChanger v1.0 comes with a Readme.txt file. Browse through that first because it will provide you with all the necessary information in installing and using this program. Not doing so might cause serious damage to your handheld units.
Download: VersionChanger v1.0
Visit: QJ PSP Development Forum
New homebrew developer imalinuxfreak dropped by QJ.NET PSP Development Forum and released his first PSP application known as VersionChanger. This program is actually part of a bigger flasher application the coder is currently working on.
VersionChanger allows users to modify the flash of their PlayStation Portable units so that they can come up with their own system versions. Take note that the generator program in this software only accepts versions 0.01 to 9.99. imalinuxfreak said that a custom label maker will be released with the future builds.
For those who are wondering, you can technically assign letters to the version numbers. However, the developer warns against it because the process will semi-brick your PSP units and will prevent you from running any eboots. The flasher part of VersionChanger was written using the code from program uFlash.
VersionChanger v1.0 comes with a Readme.txt file. Browse through that first because it will provide you with all the necessary information in installing and using this program. Not doing so might cause serious damage to your handheld units.
Download: VersionChanger v1.0
Visit: QJ PSP Development Forum