Independent Developer Drawn To Nintendo Revolution
March 22, 2006
Crossbeam Studios is known to be a developer of PC Games but has done multiple projects for various platforms. That’s hardly news, But the appeal of Nintendo Revolution has changed all that. The studio has taken a leap and is currently working on three titles for the mysterious console. In an interview with Total Gamer Zone, Greg Szemiot, Director of Crossbeam Studios, revealed the reasons why the Revolution is a big attraction.
The lower development cost played a factor in the studio’s decision to “join the Revolution”, but it’s is the console’s new interface that won them over. It didn’t take long for them to come up with not just one, but three Crossbeam titles. The first, Orb, is a fantasy adventure game set in a medieval world where three students try to save their abducted teacher. The other two titles, Thorn and Darkness, are still in the planning stages. Thorn is well-suited for online play over the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
Though the studio has no publisher yet for the said games, Szemiot plans to contact some of them at this year’s E3. He also welcomes friendly competition from other independent developers:
“Hey, we’ll take them on in a friendly competition, why not? I’d like to see them succeed, the more games Revolution gets the better for the system and the fans, and the more indie developers put games out on Revolution, the more Nintendo will open up to indies as a whole.”

The lower development cost played a factor in the studio’s decision to “join the Revolution”, but it’s is the console’s new interface that won them over. It didn’t take long for them to come up with not just one, but three Crossbeam titles. The first, Orb, is a fantasy adventure game set in a medieval world where three students try to save their abducted teacher. The other two titles, Thorn and Darkness, are still in the planning stages. Thorn is well-suited for online play over the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
Though the studio has no publisher yet for the said games, Szemiot plans to contact some of them at this year’s E3. He also welcomes friendly competition from other independent developers:
“Hey, we’ll take them on in a friendly competition, why not? I’d like to see them succeed, the more games Revolution gets the better for the system and the fans, and the more indie developers put games out on Revolution, the more Nintendo will open up to indies as a whole.”

Crossbeam Studios is known to be a developer of PC Games but has done multiple projects for various platforms. That’s hardly news, But the appeal of Nintendo Revolution has changed all that. The studio has taken a leap and is currently working on three titles for the mysterious console. In an interview with Total Gamer Zone, Greg Szemiot, Director of Crossbeam Studios, revealed the reasons why the Revolution is a big attraction.
The lower development cost played a factor in the studio’s decision to “join the Revolution”, but it’s is the console’s new interface that won them over. It didn’t take long for them to come up with not just one, but three Crossbeam titles. The first, Orb, is a fantasy adventure game set in a medieval world where three students try to save their abducted teacher. The other two titles, Thorn and Darkness, are still in the planning stages. Thorn is well-suited for online play over the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
Though the studio has no publisher yet for the said games, Szemiot plans to contact some of them at this year’s E3. He also welcomes friendly competition from other independent developers:
“Hey, we’ll take them on in a friendly competition, why not? I’d like to see them succeed, the more games Revolution gets the better for the system and the fans, and the more indie developers put games out on Revolution, the more Nintendo will open up to indies as a whole.”

The lower development cost played a factor in the studio’s decision to “join the Revolution”, but it’s is the console’s new interface that won them over. It didn’t take long for them to come up with not just one, but three Crossbeam titles. The first, Orb, is a fantasy adventure game set in a medieval world where three students try to save their abducted teacher. The other two titles, Thorn and Darkness, are still in the planning stages. Thorn is well-suited for online play over the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
Though the studio has no publisher yet for the said games, Szemiot plans to contact some of them at this year’s E3. He also welcomes friendly competition from other independent developers:
“Hey, we’ll take them on in a friendly competition, why not? I’d like to see them succeed, the more games Revolution gets the better for the system and the fans, and the more indie developers put games out on Revolution, the more Nintendo will open up to indies as a whole.”