Colleague and not cellphone cause of South Korean man’s death
We’ve all heard our share of urban myths. Now, it seems that one has finally been debunked, with this particular myth being that exploding cellphone batteries can not only hurt someone, but also kill. Check out the real reason why a South Korean man died with a melted cellphone in his pocket after the jump.
Exploding cellphone batteries may be scary, but they certainly can’t kill someone outright, as scientists from the National Institute of Scientific Investigation in South Korea have reported.
This news comes directly from an investigation of a South Korean man who died with a melted phone battery in his shirt pocket, causing suspicion that a hardware malfunction of the gadget could have been the cause of death.
What’s the verdict, then? While it’s certainly strange that the cellphone battery explosion occurred during the time of death, analysts from the South Korean firm say that the injuries the victim suffered were much too substantial to have been caused by such an event. These injuries include a broken spine, broken ribs, as well as heart and lung injuries.
So, what did kill the man? The answer makes a lot more sense than a cellphone battery explosion. It seems that the victim’s colleague, identified only by his surname Kwon, accidentally backed a drilling vehicle into the victim, killing him instantly. As for the cellphone battery being a suspect, Kwon acknowledged that the entire thing was a fabrication from the very beginning.
Certainly an update that comforts the cellphone wielder in all of us. After all, who’d want to carry around something that could break most of the bones of your body while injuring your internal organs? Certainly not yours truly. Updates as we get them!
Via AP