Super Smash Bros. Brawl update: Smash Ball battle, music from X
The official Smash Bros DOJO! website has just been updated with details and goodies for upcoming Nintendo Wii exclusive Super Smash Bros. Brawl. This time, we get to know a little bit more about the Smash Ball and one of the game’s in-game music.
As you all are probably aware by now, Super Smash Bros. Brawl character’s finishing move (otherwise known as the Final Smash) can only be pulled off once you’ve taken control of the Smash Ball. More details after the jump!
The official Smash Bros DOJO! website has just been updated with details and goodies for upcoming Nintendo Wii exclusive Super Smash Bros. Brawl. This time, we get to know a little bit more about the Smash Ball and one of the game’s in-game music.
As you all are probably aware by now, Super Smash Bros. Brawl character’s finishing move (otherwise known as the Final Smash) can only be pulled off once you’ve taken control of the Smash Ball. However, this is not as simple as touching the ball.
You have to smash and bash it until the ball breaks. Once you’ve done this, your character will glow indicating that he/she is ready to perform the Final Smash. At this point, you must be very careful for victory is still not yet secured.
If you are hit by your enemy at this stage, there’s a great chance that you will fumble the Smash Ball and your opponent will take advantage of the situation. The website also informs us on a move known as Pity Smash Ball:
Once a significant point advantage is reached, the losing player is given a bonus chance. When you get this, you will reappear after a KO in Final Smash standby mode.
Aside from this, the website also shares a short music clip that will be used in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. The music itself was lifted from Japan-only Gameboy title X during one of its tunnel scenes.
Take note that characters or environments from X are not included in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. The music was added because the composers find it a good fit for the title. For those who want to listen to the music, follow the “Via” link below.