ArenaNet releases Guild Wars skill unlock pack FAQ

The Aura of Displacement Guild Wars skill - Image 1If the Guild Wars Yuletide promo has enticed you to purchase some skill unlock packs, but you’re not exactly sure how they work, then fear not: ArenaNet has released a skill unlock pack FAQ to help clear up any uncertainties you may have regarding your new item.

According to ArenaNet, you can use the skills unlocked by the pack in PvP as either a PvP-only or PvE character, provided that you meet certain conditions. Check out the ArenaNet’s answers after the jump!

The Guild Wars skill setup screen - Image 1If the Guild Wars Yuletide promo has enticed you to purchase some skill unlock packs, but you’re not exactly sure how they work, then fear not: ArenaNet has released a skill unlock pack FAQ to help clear up any uncertainties you may have regarding your new item.

According to ArenaNet, you can use the skills unlocked by the pack in PvP as either a PvP-only or PvE character, provided that you meet the following conditions:

  • You must have purchased the related Guild Wars expansion or campaign
  • PvE characters must have learned the skills via skill trainer or tome
  • Heroes, on the other hand, may use  the skills in PvE or  in PvP Hero Battles

ArenaNet has answered several other questions regarding the Guild Wars skill unlock packs in the FAQ. If you have inquiries related to points other than the ones discussed above, more information are available via the source link below.

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