Finally! A Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 teaser for US version
If you thought that your day couldn’t get better after Square Enix‘s earlier confirmation of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7‘s release in North America (March 25 FTW!), then let’s heat things up a bit with a teaser trailer for the game!
Get ready for 40 seconds of Square Enix loving! Take it away, Zack! Read more for the video.
If you thought that your day couldn’t get better after Square Enix‘s earlier confirmation of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7‘s release in North America (March 25 FTW!), then let’s heat things up a bit with a teaser trailer for the game!
The trailer lasts for only about 40 seconds (hence, teaser), but it’ll probably be the most memorable 40 seconds of your day – maybe even your whole gaming life. The video montages various clips from Crisis Core, scored to Nobuo Uematsu‘s classic track – the opening theme for FF7.
Take it away, Zack!