Music Quiz v0.2

Music Quiz version 0.2 by Xevious86 - Image 1 PlayStation Portable homebrew developer Xevious86 has just released a new version for the game Music Quiz. Version 0.2 of the Lua game sports a number of additions and tweaks. Check out the changelog and the planned changes at the full article.

Download: Music Quiz v0.2

Music Quiz version 0.2  - Image 1A couple of days back, we heard from PlayStation Portable homebrew developer Xevious86 with the game called Music Quiz. For those who checked out this homebrew app in version 0.1, you’ll be glad to know that the game is now on version 0.2, sporting a number of additions and fixes.

In case you missed the Music Quiz version 0.1, it’s a quiz game as the name suggests. It takes your music tracks (the ones in your /PSP/MUSIC), plays one and then shows you four track names to choose from. The new version has the following changes (taken from the forum release thread):

  • Added a mode option (which does a little to nothing)
  • You can now select the music file (/ PSP / MUSIC / or / MUSIC /): go to the folder of the game and open “option.txt” if there is written: “mode = 1”, the music will be in the folder / PSP / MUSIC /, if “mode = 2”, the music will be in the file / MUSIC /.
  • If the name of the music is too long, the end will be replaced by “…” (Thanks a shaolan)
  • Mode high-scoring semi-functional (it works but there is a trick to regler) (thanks to the tutorial)

Xevious86 listed the planned features for Music Quiz and there are two so far: a mode where you can choose which music folder the game will use, and a fully functional highscore list. Anyway, check out the download below. Enjoy!

Download: Music Quiz v0.2

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