Protect-me Final release revision 0.9
Developer maxthebest dropped by the QJ.NET PSP Development Forums to announce the release of Protect-me Final release revision 0.9. This latest version carries several new fixes and improvements, which you can view over in the full article.
Download: Protect-me Final release revision 0.9
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forum
Homebrew developer maxthebest dropped by the QJ.NET PSP Development Forums earlier to announce release Protect-me Final release revision 0.9.
This custom plugin, in case you’re asking, will enable you to lock your PSP with a password. Quoting the readme, here are this release’s latest changes:
- Added FRAISE icon0 and pic1!
- Added on screen keyboard to the installer
- Now the installer CREATES the PSP and SYSTEM directories if
- they don’t exist (it used to crash if they did not exist).
- Now the prx displays a message when you log with correct password,
- and displays another one if you entered a false password.
- Corrected some little bugs…
- Now you can go directly from A to Z
- At the beginning the password is “********” instead of ‘aaaaaaaa’. (but this doesn’t change anything…)
Protect-me Final release revision 0.9 will run on Custom Firmware 3.80 M33, and other CFWs on both the PSP Fat and PSP Slim. We strongly advise would-be users to view the file bundle’s readme for proper installation instruction. You may also want to visit maxthebest’s thread over at the QJ.NET PSP Development Forums to post your feedback.
Download: Protect-me Final release revision 0.9
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forum