Harvest Moon: Magical Melody set for mid-March Europe release, no US launch
Rising Star Games has just announced their exact launch date for Europe copy of Harvest Moon: Magical Melody for the Wii. The game will be arriving in the said territory by mid-March. The exact release date, and updates on the title’s possible U.S. release are available in the full article.
A double-helping of good and bad news await the fans who were waiting for updates regarding Rising Star Games‘ porting of Harvest Moon: Magical Melody to the Wii console.
The developer has just revealed that the game will be arriving in Europe by this March 14. The company had stated March as their expected launch period before – today’s update simply gives the title a more exact launch date.
As for the bad news: Publisher Natsume has stated during an inquiry that “at this time we (Natsume) have no plans to release (re-release) Harvest Moon: Magical Melody for the Nintendo Wii.”
Harvest Moon: Magical Melody was originally released for the Nintendo GameCube console back in 2005 (2006 for the US). The game puts players in control of either a male or female character as they attempt to raise their own successfully farm.
Your other not-so-mundane tasks include re-awakening a neglected Harvest Goddess, and finding a suitable spouse as you progress. Not much details have been revealed regarding the Wii port, though we’re definitely looking forward to how it’ll interact with the Wiimote controls. We’ll let you know if any new details are announced.
Via Siliconera