VSH3D Pong: VSHPong remixed
Want to enjoy a quick round of Pong but can’t be bothered to scroll through too many options just to get there? Then Sony PlayStation Portable homebrew developer a_noob‘s VSHPong is just for you, a Pong game that you can play anywhere on your PSP’s XMB. And now, with this new version, it’s in 3D! Check it out in the full article.
Download: VSH3D Pong v1
Visit: QJ.NET’s PSP Development Forums
It’s been a while since we last heard about Sony PlayStation Portable homebrew developer a_noob‘s ultra-convenient Pong game, VSHPong. But in this update of this quirky little homebrew title, we catch wind of it being completely remixed. Yep, you read that right: VSHPong is now VSH 3D Pong. Let’s check out what’s new with this homebrew, besides the extra dimension.
Well, it seems that it’s still the same game we know and love. You use the analog stick to move the paddle up and down in order to hit the ball back to your opponent. There’s a new element in this, though – and that’s the auto-centering feature that kicks in whenever you let go of the paddle.
This means that whenever you let go of the analog stick, the paddle will automatically move to its center position. It takes a bit of getting used to, but it makes gameplay all the more exciting.
As always, if you have any questions regarding play or installation, the readme file bundled in the archive is your salvation. Enjoy!
Download: VSH3D Pong v1
Visit: QJ.NET’s PSP Development Forums