StarCraft 2 Q & A Batch 32: Screencraft, anti-gravity and more

The StarCraft 2 logo with the words of Tichus Findlay - Image 1As the development on StarCraft 2 continues, so do the Q & A portions. In fact, Blizzard blue poster Karune has just hosted Q & A Batch 32, plus four screenshots thrown in for good measure.  For more RTS-themed goodness, kindly refer to the full article after the jump.

The StarCraft 2 Screencraft pictures - Image 1 The StarCraft 2 Screencraft pictures - Image 2 The StarCraft 2 Screencraft pictures - Image 3 The StarCraft 2 Screencraft pictures - Image 4 

Sometimes, it pays to do something a little differently. Perhaps the idea of variety was lurking in the back of Karune’s mind as the Blizzard blue poster hosted Batch 32 of the StarCraft 2 Q & A series. In it, Karune starts off with Screencraftfour screenshots that pretty much sum up what Blizzard has been discussing in the past monthsbefore proceeding with the usual Q & A portion.

This time around, Karune covered questions regarding allied transportation and teleportation, anti-gravity, “dangerous” flying buildings, and unit characteristics. According to the Blizzard blue poster, the jury is still out with regard to allies being able to transport and teleport each other while using different races. Also, the Anti-Gravity spell may be cast on friendly units and buildings, and it has been added to the Nullifier.

Furthermore, dropping buildings on units will currently not damage the unit, though this may be subject to change later on. Blizzard also mentioned that certain unit characteristics from the original StarCraft (such as flying unit stacking) may make it to the sequel, although they may not feel the same.

The full Q&A are available through our source link below.

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