Dark Age of Camelot: house repossession, Drayonslayer Armor hotfix

Dark Age of Camelot - Image 1Enjoying your own sweet time in EA Mythic‘s Dark Age of Camelot? Then heads up as we get you a news update that should be relevant to you adventurers, especially if you’ve got some real estate in the game. There’s news here for those of us in the Classic Servers, too, so be sure to hit the full article for the entire dosage of information.

Camelot Herald - Image 1 

For those of us trekking the digital fields of EA Mythic‘s Dark Age of Camelot, here’s a few updates you might have missed in the gaming frenzy. Of course, the most notable development is the issue with dragon encounters.

Well, if you’ve been having trouble with the fire-breathing monsters or with receiving your Dragonslayer Armor in the classic servers, then you’d be glad to know that all those problems are fixed. Fixed, we tell you!

What else is new, then, you ask? Here’s a quote from the news post:

  • Players will no longer be teleported to the same side of a keep/tower door. This corrects an issue where characters sometimes were erroneously ported back to the same side they were attempting to leave.
  • Players will now be able to port directly to their house on a cluster, regardless of the server they are currently on.
  • Placing a stack of items with a count greater than 255 into a house vault will now place correctly within the vault.

There’s also the deal with home repossession: all homes that pass the condemnation deadline will be repossessed. Don’t worry, though. All the stuff you might have stored inside your repo’ed house will be available for recovery from the repossession merchants in the housing market zones.

Well, that’s that for this news update of Dark Age of Camelot. Be sure to keep it locked right here for more news.

Via Camelot Herald

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