PDroms Coding Competition: KuMoLo, Negative Space, Completly Unrealistic Landing Simulation
The wellspring of homebrew has not dried up yet, and in this update straight from the PDRoms Coding Competition, we get a three-hit combo of some of the most quirky puzzle homebrew games on the DS, as well as a very tense aircraft landing simulator. Check them out in the full article and see if they catch your fancy – we know they did for us.
The coding competition frenzy doesn’t let up one bit. In this PDRoms Coding Competition update, the developers show the Nintendo DS some love. That’s right, this is all about the fastest-selling handheld in the market today, and we’ve got three homebrew games right here to tickle your fancy on all things touchscreen-based.
So, to the ‘brew!
First up is KuMoLo by developer Kukulcan. Kumolo’s a puzzle game where the aim is to move obstacles around in order to get to the exit – and you have to do this in the fastest time possible. There’s also the deal about your moves being limited, so you’ll definitely have to do some serious noodle-baking beforehand.
Next up is Negative Space, by developer Mia. This quirky little homebrew uses the touchscreen in quite a unique way – that is, to draw pathways across the screen so that two differently-colored blobs can get to their respective flags.
The trick to this is that the game only has two main colors – black and white – and while a black line may constitute as a path for the white blob, it constitutes as a wall to the black blob. Very unique.
Last but not least is Completely Unrealistic Landing Simulation v0.1by Dje. This simulation game of sorts cuts to the most intense part of all flight simulators – that is, landing your craft safely.
By carefully piloting the plane while keeping in mind the relevant stats such as distance, altitude, wind speed and wind direction (as well as your co-pilot), this one is definitely the interesting minigame. Let’s hope there isn’t an event where snakes suddenly storm the plane.
In any case, enjoy the homebrews!
Download: KuMoLo v1
Visit: QJ.NET’s DS Development Forums
Download: Negative Space
Visit: QJ.NET’s DS Development Forums
Download: Completely Unrealistic Landing Simulation v0.1
Visit: QJ.NET’s DS Development Forums
Via PDRoms